Feb 27, 2021

February 26, 2021: Magical Thinking, To Despise Reason, To Reject Science


We now have passed half million dead in this country. A year ago, now, our late Caesar Disgustus assured us that it was no big deal, that it would go away by April when the weather warmed, that it disappear 'as if, by magic'. As if by magic.

This was no mere slip-of-the-tongue, it was a message calculated to fall upon receptive ears, words fashioned to perk the ears of those accustomed to magical thinking. Here was no off-hand rejection of the best scientific advice but designed to reach the deepest recesses of the conservative cesspool, those accustomed to despise reason; those acclimated to the rejection of science; those who put faith in magical thinking.

It was done, as Bob Woodward reports in his book “Rage” about tRUMP and the pandemic, because our Caesar Disgustus and his Boy Blunder decided that since they had done nothing to alleviate the long-suffering white middle class that he had championed; since they had done nothing but afflict the afflicted and comfort the comfortable, his only chance of re-election was to highlight the robust economy that he had inherited from Obama. Then came the pandemic and the shut-down.

8 million have fallen into poverty, millions lost their health insurance, millions more their homes, jobs, and businesses. Indeed, The New York Times reported that 2020 had the worst economic performance since 1946, when the economy was transitioning from war-time production to peace in the wake of World War Two.

So, as the economy unraveled, tRUMP panicked, fearing his incumbency endangered.

According to Olivia Troye, aide to Vice President Pence and one tasked with dealing with crisis, Disgustus began grasping for anything, listening to anyone who will tell him what he wanted to hear: that it wasn't going to be that bad; that it wouldn't return in the fall; that the economy would immediately rebound; that indeed it was a Democratic hoax.

Those around him responded accordingly, according to Troye. Graphs began to appear out of seemingly nowhere, demonstrating that small steps would suffice to flatten the curve. According to Troye, and confirmed by Maxwell Kennedy, grandson of R.F.K. Who somehow got hired by this administration to deal with this, Boy Blunder and associates were responsible for producing the fictitious estimates whispering in the ear of Disgustus that, horror of horrors, if a funny face weren't put on the crisis the stock market would crash. By the end of March, tRUMP was already pushing to open the economy and, indeed, did so even though none of the states had met any of the guidelines set by the CDC. Governors that resisted this slide into the abyss were ridiculed and threatened. Disgustus, ever the birdbrain, 'tweeted' that his followers should 'liberate Michigan' and several other states setting the stage for armed invasion of the state Capitol of Michigan and elsewhere as well as later plots to kidnap the Governor of Michigan, put Governor Whitmer on trial, and execute her. Dress rehearsals, it would later become apparent, for what was to come: holding on to power by any means necessary.

Now in excess of half million are dead. There are, almost certainly, hundreds of thousands yet accounted. As the nation reported 200,000 dead it was noted that the number of dead and buried had actually been over 300,000 more than recent national averages.

As Congressman Adam Schiff warned during the first impeachment proceeding, tRUMP can never be counted upon to care for the national interest. He thinks only of himself. And, even as Schiff was speaking, and ReSCUMlickan senators were about to acquit, the crisis was already hanging above the head of the republic. And, sure enough, Disgustus reacted all too predictably. It will take years to tally the pain caused by the tRUMP virus.

This is what happens when the country confuses celebrity with gravitas; when the country confuses 'reality' television with reality itself; when the country opts for 'magical thinking' in the place of rational judgment.

Convict and imprison.

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