Feb 28, 2021

February 28, 2021: Flotsam and Jetsam, Scum of the Earth, Predictable Mendacity


This weekend witnessed the gathering of the flotsam and jetsam, the veritable scum of the earth, as the conservatives cesspools and stink tanks empty their contents at the annual gathering known as the CPAC convention. However, for once, the swine have dropped all philosophical or intellectual pretense by presenting no policy formulations but instead engaging in an orgy of idolatry, in a full-blown worship of the “Golden Swine”.

Our deposed Caesar Disgustus held center stage in what was a disgusting spectacle of complete capitulation to ignorance, racism, mendacity, and greed.

Indeed, the tRUMPists demonstrated the hold of the “one-term blunder” when, at the opening of festivities, a golden statue of the swine emerged and the 'faithful' were duly photographed posing next to it as if, by doing so, a bit of the cheap gold paint would rub off on them.

Gone now is Limbaugh and his predictable mendacity; replaced by Raphael Cruz, fresh from his abortive vacation while his home state lay under the siege of a freak ice storm. As Texas lay frozen, with people without water, heat and food, Raphael was seen jetting off to Cancun, only to return the next day shit-faced but unapologetic, blaming his wife and then his children for his complete lack of judgment.

No matter, no sooner had he arrived back in the Lone Star State, when he was off to Florida where the annual convening of the idiotic, imbecilic, mendacious and greedy gathered in a contest to see who could sling the shit the farthest afield.

In this contest, there is none greater than our late Caesar Disgustus, for no one can be relied upon to be more disgusting.

Oh yes, Raphael made the effort. Josh Hawley, arriving in the wake of his demonstrations in support of the aborted coup reminded the gathering offal that it was he who first stood up in the senate to challenge the electoral vote making the attempt possible.

There were, of course, others. But the stench was so bad that even Moscow Mitch, Ann Coulter, and Mike Pence recoiled in disgust.

Then, of course, came tRUMP, in a reprise of his 2016 “Grievanceburg Address”, in which he once again claimed voter fraud, that the election was stolen, that he and—by extension—they were duly outraged. All grievance, all the time. There was no mention of the pandemic, no mention of the over half million dead, no mention of the unemployed; no mention of the millions facing eviction; no mention of the millions of small businesses that have gone or are now going under.  No, the country, like the election, had been stolen from them. Shades of the 'teabaggers' circa 2009, when the nation, for the first time, had a black president.

Disgustus, of course, is concerned about nothing but himself. He sees himself as the once and future king or, short of that the king-maker.

But what is interesting is that at this gathering of rarefied scum, the 'true believers' gathered at what amounts to a virtual celebration of tRUMPism in exile, Disgustus topped straw poll of presidential contenders with a paltry 55 per cent supporting a 2024 tRUMP candidacy. Half of the party's base, that is, fully half of the scum settled at the party's depths, would prefer a different and, perhaps, a more compelling and competent septic service.

For the moment, however, Disgustus, like the gorilla at the zoo, continues to fling shit in every direction sewing discord, attacking institutions, spreading lies, creating chaos.

So let's pause a moment and give Putin credit where credit is due. By helping to elevate our Disgustus into the pantheon of American Politics, Putin has surely got his money's worth; for the great CPAC convention, once a gathering of the merely wrong, has been transformed into a gathering of swine.

An' Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh

Convict and imprison.

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