Aug 17, 2024

August 17, 2024: It's the Stench, Table is Set, Reason For Hope


It's the stench, stupid!”

----Quotations of Chairman Joe

The table is set. Old Joe has withdrawn from the race, close on the heels of a dismal 'debate' performance against our rotting Caesar Disgustus last June 27. It took about a month to persuade Joe to take a curtain call but in late July Biden did the honorable thing and bowed to father time.

This may not be, however, the whole story. One suspects this may well have been the plan all along. Continue the administration and secure his legacy by passing the torch to his able Vice President, twenty years younger than the drooling, gibbering buffoon lying incessantly and babbling incoherently in opposition immediately after Disgustus, fresh from his coronation at the ReSCUMlickan National Convention already boasting of riding a great 'red' wave, an electoral landslide, back into the oval office.

Instead, after spending months and hundreds of millions in treasure running against our aging president Disgustus now finds himself in in entirely new contest against an opponent 20 years his junior, moreover a black woman, a candidate tailor made to attack his most vulnerable susceptibilities. If ever Disgustus demonstrates his electoral weaknesses it is over gender and race, two issues he simply cannot leave alone. Kamala Harris is precisely the candidate best suited to call out and display to the world the fast decomposing turd that is Donald J. tRUMP.

From a certain perspective Biden's fast footwork transforming the contest from a verbal boxing match into a tag-team wrestling contest appears pure genius. Passing the torch to Harris at this late date eliminates the long and bruising primary contests, the threatened fracturing of the Democratic Party, and the undermining, had the Democrats chosen someone else, of the continuity and legacy of his administration. Pure genius and it looks like this may well have been the plan all along. Why else would Biden have challenged the aging idiot to a debate so early in the electoral cycle?

So, having seamlessly passed the torch, the contest has been reset. Disgustus, now the oldest candidate ever placed before the electorate will face off against Harris. Old vs relative young, white vs. black and East Indian, male vs. female, fascist vs. democrat. The lines could not be more stark, the significance more glaring: barbarism vs. civilization. The very survival of the republican experiment now approaching a quarter of a millennium, at stake.

It all boils down to a simple calculation: will the recoil from the stench of Caesar Disgustus be strong enough to overpower the country's underlying and pervasive racism and sexism? That is the question.

The 'ragin cajun' James Carville, Bill Clinton's 1992 campaign manager, has given us some perspective. Pointing out that in the last four election cycles the American people have twice elected a black man President of the United States with over 50 per cent of the vote. It has chosen by popular vote a woman for President albeit losing in the electoral college. And it has elected a black woman Vice President of the United States. There is every reason for hope.

Indeed there is. And the greatest reason is that the stench the permeates Caesar Disgustus, “Barron Von Shitsinpants” as Michael Cohen famously calls him, is so overpowering that the country simply cannot bring itself to get near enough to the rotting turd to wrap it's arms about him. The stench permeates everything. It flares the nostrils, burns the eyes and lungs, it leaves a putrid taste in one's mouth. One cannot imagine the country willingly returning to the days when every morning it would awake to find yet another steaming pile of fresh shit deposited in one's living room via Fox and Fiends, or Shitter, as the Coward in Chief, sitting on his gold plated 'throne' deposits yet another outrage for the country to confront. No, the Drama Queen has long since worn out his welcome. He, alas, no longer entertains.

And that too, is reason for hope.

Imprison the Bastard.

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