Aug 19, 2024

August 18, 2024: Lead Us Unto Convention, Deliver Us From Evil, Ours is the Republic


Oh, Kamala, lead us now unto convention and deliver us from evil, for ours is the republic, the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen”

----Quotations of Chairman Joe

For the first time in 56 years the Democrats are gathering at Chicago to hold their quadrennial convention, forge a platform and nominate Kamala Harris for the Presidency of the United States. Unlike the dark days of 1968 this will be a brand new sunrise.

The ReSCUMlickans still reeking from their freak show in Milwaukee and suffering from fornicator's remorse find themselves rudderless in turbulent seas. Ranting and raving like a madman, Caesar Disgustus flails about, rambling endlessly about sharks and the 'Great' and 'Beautiful' Hannibal Lecter, a fictional character in the film “Silence of the Lambs” who was, perhaps tellingly, a serial killer and cannibal. Disgustus regales every audience with constantly glowing references to Lecter as well as sharks in what has recently morphed from simple campaign speeches to well publicized press conferences on, for example, the economy. You figure it out, I simply no longer possess the levitational powers nor the mental agility, nor the simple required energy. tRUMP's madness is becoming increasingly irrelevant and, more importantly, boring.

Against boredom the gods themselves struggle in vain. Disgustus finds himself addressing half-empty auditoriums whose crowds begin to slowly file out as he drones on about electric batteries in boats and sharks awaiting in threatening waters, about windmills that kill imaginary birds, about sinister forces afoot to waylay him at every turn. It's all about him you know, hell in a rare moment of honest confession he laid bare his malignant narcissism by telling one crowd that he didn't care about them, he just wanted their vote. Of course what was left unsaid was that he wants their vote not to improve their lot in life, but to stay out of prison.

This is proving all too much for even maggots drawn to the most rancid shit. One witnesses them wriggling free, recoiling from the stench and making for the exits. Even they can no longer stomach this shit.

But while the sun sets on Maggotland, the sun rises on America. Harris and Walz are drawing huge crowds; people are showing up and volunteering in droves to join the 'crusade'; Over half a billion dollars has been raised in the last month, mostly in small donations. In Chicago the Democrats meet to build a new platform for America and nominate a new slate, younger in age, bolder in vision, and openly joyous is celebrating the greatness of this republic and its infinite potential. Happy warriors about the earnest business of delivering us from evil.


Imprison the Bastard.

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