Well the Vice Presidential face-off is now in the books. It went about as expected. Vance, a tRUMP sycophant, parrots the hopeless prevaricator by replicating, with a straight, albeit likewise 'made-up- face, the lies of the Fuhrer. These are the minimum standards by which one remains a member in good standing among the Maggots; there are no known others.
Vance, another escapee from Yale Law School, had previously excoriated tRUMP, even at one time calling tRUMP a would-be Hitler. As so many before, Graham, Rubio, Cruz, he soon found his political career would be snuffed in the crib if he didn't bow down before the almighty. Accordingly, seemingly overnight, Vance found religion at the altar of The Donald and knelt and genuflected before the Golden Swine.
And so it was that we find the heavily cosmetic Vance confronted with the genuinely honest and straightforward Grandfather in a 'debate' in which Vance parroted tRUMP's lies with Walz countering with pleas for understanding.
Pointing out what they had in common, Walz went about sanitizing Vance by getting him to agree on several points, demonstrating in the process what is possible and why it is possible.
Walz “won” the debate, by all accounts given the polling data in the aftermath, further broadening the appeal of the Democratic ticket. He accomplished the goals of the task at hand. But he also made Vance, a really dangerous little fascist, appear reasonable if not quite normal. This may lay the groundwork for future trouble, but the crisis at hand is, at this point, more commanding.
There was almost no discussion, for example, of Project 2025, that vicious 900 page blueprint composed and published by The Heritage Foundation a ReSCUMlican stink-tank hell bent on creating a post democratic, post-constitutional regime. I will not dignify this effort by calling it a post-constitutional republic. In it the ReSCUMlicans lay out a platform that is an oligarch's wet dream, and a nightmare not only for representative governance but the middle class. Vance wrote the introduction to this piece of shit.
So, in large measure, Vance was let off the hook. He had his hands full defending the indefensible, most tellingly by his refusal to acknowledge that tRUMP got his corpulent ass kicked in 2020. Vance was thereby cornered into denying reality and demonstrating to the nation that he has kissed the ring; that he is now in full service to the villain.
And that, I suppose, is good enough for one night's work.
Imprison the Bastard.
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