Nov 4, 2018

November 4, 2018: Rumblings on the Wrong, Legacy of Race, Slow Walk Toward Fascism

For years now there have been rumblings on the political wrong about repealing certain amendments to our Constitution. A decade or so ago, a former governor of Georgia, Democrat turned Rescumlickan Zell Miller, joined other teabaggers in openly suggesting that we repeal the 17th amendment which would take the election of United States Senators from the hands of the voters and throw the question back to the several state legislatures to decide. Now comes, from the mouth of Caesar Disgustus a full-throated appeal to repeal the 14th amendment's guaranteed 'birthright' citizenship. An act, he insisted, could be accomplished by executive order.

A hue and cry went out about the land, rightfully calling such a blatantly racist appeal what it so transparently is, but there are other considerations here.

First, it is worth repeating, as the current critique so rightly underscores, that this is a racist appeal. It is so not only because it is a blatant assault upon a particular minority—in this case Latino's who have recently arrived and have given birth and whose children are now citizens of this country; but because the very act embodied in the 14th amendment was a consequence of the Civil War. The amendment was one of several which, in this case, took the definition of citizenship from the states and brought it under federal jurisdiction. This brings me to my second point: the 14th Amendment was instituted in order to prevent the several states from stripping the freed men from their newly established rights. It is a legacy of race in this country. In America, one cannot discuss any issue worthy of note, without discussing race.

And so it is.

It is right and proper to call out our Disgusting 'president' for what is nothing less than a naked appeal to racist nativism on the eve of election. But there are other, equally troubling, considerations here.

The repeal of the 14th Amendment, or at least this provision of of it, would once again give the states authority to define who is and who is not a citizen of this country. In the wake of the wretched decision by the Supreme Court to gut the enforcement provisions of the 1964 Voting Rights Act and the swift actions of several states to immediately raise barriers to those who are not white to vote, it is not difficult to imagine an orgy of state laws being swiftly put into place stripping whole groups of their citizenship.

It is worth remembering that one of the first things the Nazi's did was strip the Jewish population, among others, of their citizenship. All else followed, and what followed was—in the Germany of the 1930's and 40's therefore, entirely legal.

These are dangerous times. What we are witnessing is a dismantling of the republic and a slow walk toward fascism.

An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh”

Impeach and Imprison

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