Jan 23, 2019

January 22, 2019: Brain Dead Democrats, A Forlorn Hope, Greater Opportunities Present Themselves

Never underestimate the ability of the Democratic Party to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory”

                            ----from The Quotations of Chairman Joe

We are now a month into this crisis; a month that America has been held hostage by a madman in the White House. What has struck me is not only the madness of the petulant would-be Caesar, but the ham-handedness with which the Democrats have responded.

As his support craters, now falling below 40 per cent of the polled population, and his disapproval numbers skyrocketing, Disgustus took to the airwaves once again to present his 'compromise'. True to form, it was no compromise at all, it was a proposal hammered out between himself, his Vice President, and his idiot son-in-law, presented to the nation as some form of concession. It is not.

He's offering temporary sanctuary for the “Dreamers” whose unsettled status was of his own making in the first place, and he's still demanding the 5.7 billion for his wall. He creates a 'crisis' and then holds the resolution over the nation as demands to get his own way. And, as Disgustus cries out “Oh, Piss Boy!”, Majority Leader McConnell comes running with the chamber pot so that he can put the contents before the Senate. McConnell, of course, can be relied upon to declare the contents 'liquid gold', leaving the House to reveal its true worth. This initiative is nothing but a transparent attempt the White House to regain control of the narrative, kind of like LBJ offering to negotiate once the North Vietnamese have surrendered. We shall see what becomes of it.

What strikes me is that the Democrats, always able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, risk losing control over the terms of this debate.

It is well and good to demand that nothing will be done until the Jackass in the White House behaves himself. This, with Disgustus, is always a forlorn hope. Nevertheless, it is clear that pressure is mounting as the FBI announced today that it is running out of materials with which to do forensic analysis, running out of even typing paper. Officials are warning that further delay in getting this crisis resolved will degrade national security.

It is an open question whether Disgustus and his ReSCUMlickan enablers want the government up and running. The longer this goes on, it has been noted on national media, the harder it will be to recruit qualified people to work for government. This is the Conservative wet dream come true.

It seems to me that the Democrats are squandering an opportunity here. The modern ReSCUMlickan party has degenerated into an unholy alliance between the religious wrong, libertarians, racists and the assorted unwashed in uneasy alliance with nouveau riche billionaires. It is an unsteady alliance held together by the willful ignorance of the great unwashed blindingly servicing their capitalist overlords. An alliance held together by 'divide and rule' politics based upon social issues and racist appeal in the service of Capital. The wall means nothing to the likes of Sheldon Adelson or the the Koch Brothers, but it has become the rallying standard behind which the great unwashed take to the ramparts.

To separate the racists from the money—for just as in slavery racism serves the money—the Democrats need to force the issue by emphasizing not the racial and cultural issues but the economic ones. If they stand solely in defense of the 'huddled masses', they will end up laying into the hands of the capitalist manipulators. If, on the other hand, Democrats make their stand on economic issues—principally who will pay for the wall—greater opportunities present themselves.

The Democrats need to drive a wedge in this crack in the ReSCUMlickan foundation and they can do this with one simple demand: Tell tRUMP he can have his wall but that he and his rich friends are going to pay for it. Demand that in return for the wall, all changes in the tax code from Reagan on will be repealed and that we will return to the tax code of the Kennedy-Johnson administrations adjusted for inflation. The Democrats can further make the case by reminding the nation that the last time the middle and working classes were invited to the party it was under this tax code. Suddenly the government will presented with trillions of dollars over the next decade, money with which to rebuild our schools, our roads, our communities, money to invest once again in ourselves.

Our faux Caesar will now be confronted with a choice between his rich friends and the great unwashed. We know which he will choose and as he comes to the defense of the moneyed interests it will be clear where his real priorities lie. Disgustus would be revealed as the fraud he is, having to admit that it isn't Mexico or the wealthy that are going to be burdened with this monument to tRUMP, but the very fools that put him into office in the first place. When it becomes obvious where the burden will fall, he will hemorrhage support from all but the most deluded making him eminently impeachable.

Don't hold your breath for one must never underestimate the ability of the Democratic Party to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh”

Impeach and Imprison.

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