Mar 29, 2019

March 28, 2019: Would a Dick, Before the Priest, Flogging The Children

Whatsoever our Caesar Disgustus sayeth of another, that he himself would be.”

                   ----from “The Quotations of Chairman Joe”

Observing the behaviors of our Caesar Disgustus, comedian Bill Maher noted that his actions seem animated not by questions of policy and judgment but by asking the simple question “What would a dick do?” Maher then listed several policy reverses instituted by our prime ignoramus that make no other sense. Why call, for instance, for the return of coal? Why insist that we once again turn to asbestos? Why reverse regulations on Monsanto banning use of chemicals that cause brain damage to children? Why insist that we once again put lead in bullets? Why? Because he can. He can be a dick, and that is all he can be.

And now we find, after taking a 'victory lap' in the aftermath of the summary of the Mueller Report, that he once again simply cannot help himself. Crowing about the “witch hunt”, and “presidential harassment”, he simply could not leave well enough alone. Instead with the ink still drying on the attorney general's four page summation, our Disgustus once again goes after the signature Obama piece of legislation: the Affordable Care Act.

Gail Collins writing in The New York Times observes: “But then he took off on the worst victory lap since—well, do remember that baseball player who celebrated his grand slam home run by leaping in the air and fracturing a leg?” (1) That about sums it up. He simply cannot leave Obama alone.

The last thing Congressional ReSCUMlickans want to do is return to the health care fiasco. Vowing to make the ReSCUMlickans “the party of health care”, about which he has now famously declared himself to be the resident expert, once again our intrepid Disgustus is walking all over himself as he lurches forth snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

Mitch McConnell is not amused, basically informing the White House that they are on their own. McConnell, who has been burned more often than he cares to recall as one agreement after another vanished before his eyes as the White House moved goal posts, has no stomach for this telling tRUMP that he can deal with the House Speaker.

Republicans in Congress began desperately leaking the news that they had tried to talk their alleged leader out of the idea. The Democrats were almost swooning with joy. Really, Trump could not have made them happier if he'd announced that he planned to unveil a new tax cut called Help for The Greedy Rich” (2)

Meanwhile the administration has reversed position and is now backing challenges to the constitutionality of Obamacare currently working through the courts. This latest stratagem is reportedly the brainchild of the White House Chief-of-staff who, with the support of other idiotlogues in this maladministration won the day over the strenuous objections of attorney general William Barr. Barr should have resigned.

It seems to me that we do indeed have a constitutional question here and it is not about the legitimacy of the ACA. It is about the failure of this administration to faithfully execute the laws. It seems to me that on its face the administration is bound to defend any act of congress in the courts and failure to do so is a violation of that oath. But then, we are in the grips of graduates of schools of law that have no understanding of constitutional questions.

So once again, private “Bone Spurs” quick on the heels of his Department of Education eliminating funding for the “Special Oympics” and severe cuts in school lunch programs and other help for the needy, picks a fight with the weakest, most vulnerable members of society. Confronted with real wealth and real political power Disgustus drops to his knees like an altar boy before a priest. Then, when vespers are over he seeks a playground and begins flogging the children.

An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh”

Impeach and Imprison.


  1. Collins, Gail. “Bad Times in Trumpville” The New York Times. Thursday, March 28, 2019
    Page A25
  2. Ibid

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