Dec 15, 2019

December 14, 2019: Institutional Failure, Partisanship tRUMPs Statesmanship, All Roads Lead to Russia

Nothing better demonstrates the absolute fraud of modern American Conservatism than it's long war upon the institutions of this country. Waging war upon social institutions was understood, heretofore, to be anathema to the Conservative; indeed, the very definition of Conservatism is to nurture and protect social institutions and norms—that is, to Conserve.

What we have now is a movement, a half century in the making, that calls itself conservative, but finds itself waging war not only to repeal the twentieth century, but the very institutions upon which this country is founded.

It is one thing to oppose liberal political initiatives; to repeal certain pieces of legislation; to modify or reverse public policy. It is quite another to seek to destroy political norms and institutions. As a case in point I give you “Moscow Mitch” McConnell.

McConnell has long abused his office, using his position as Senate Majority Leader to obstruct and transform what had been the World's Greatest Deliberative body into a mere echo-chamber. He has, famously, tabled the nomination of a nominee to the Supreme Court—not even giving Merrick Garland a committee hearing, let alone a vote on the floor of the Senate as he sought partisan political advantage by denying President Obama a final Supreme Court appointment. He is currently sitting on nearly 400 pieces of legislation passed by the house with none currently scheduled for consideration. Senate Committees, under his leadership, have failed to provide adequate oversight of this administration. Real investigations are being left to the House of Representatives.

Contrast this with Watergate when bipartisan and bicameral committees were formed to probe into wrongdoing. But where are the investigations not only of tRUMP, but his children, his cabinet members (most notably Wilbur Ross) as well as White House staff? It has been reported that a company with no previous experience with either building walls or with government contracts was awarded 400 million in public funds to build this damn fool wall on the Southern Border. Where are the investigations?

But now we are confronting a “see no evil” posture of an entirely different order of magnitude. As the House Judiciary Committee voted out two articles of impeachment of the President* of the United States, McConnell—violating the very oath he will take to begin the proceedings—announced that his office will work with the White House Counsel to insure a favorable outcome. In doing so, all pretense to an objective consideration of the facts, and a fair and impartial verdict, have gone swiftly by the boards.

McConnell is, of course, not only an unconscionable slack-jawed chinless political hack, and he has done more damage to the institution of the World's Greatest Deliberative Body than any political figure in our history. The Senate has always had its share of buffoons, Senator Inhofe leaps immediately to mind. But these men, being quaint quacks have, in their buffoonery, been occasionally entertaining minor irritants. But McConnell, a funnel for Russian money into the Republican Senate Campaign Committee, presents a threat to the republic not only because he has welcomed and ushered foreign involvement into our national elections but has elevated partisan vindictiveness and political mendacity to a level that now threatens the very representative institutions of this country.

There are reasons “Moscow Mitch” refuses to address Russian interference in the 2016 election and why he will not address the ongoing—right before our very eyes—interference in the upcoming election, and why he and his cohorts are repeating the very propaganda, the very talking points of the Kremlin in its attempt to divert attention from themselves and blame Ukraine. The reasons are quite simple. Mitch and his cohorts—Lenningrad Lindsay, the RNC and several members of Congress are in the back pocket of Putin and his henchmen. Kevin McCarthy, now House Minority Leader said as much during a caucus of House Republicans in 2016 when he fingered Dana Raurbacher and Donald Trump as two who were clearly on Putin's Payroll. Then Speaker Ryan admonished him, advising the group to not let that become public.

The war on the “Deep State”, as Steve Bannon calls it, did not originate with Bannon or tRUMP. Republicans have been waging this war for nearly half century. It began, as all roads to hell, with Richard Shithouse Nixon and his war upon the Press and, by extension, objective reporting—that is, truth. But Nixon bowed to the dictates of institutional prerogative and political norms. But, over the years the war has extended first to cultural issues and then, by extension, to the destruction of institutional memory, political and cultural norms of decency, and now the very institutions of this republic.

What is new is that with Bannon came the war upon institutional memory; a force as noted in previous essays in these columns that serve as a bulwark against instability and chaos. But with the hollowing out of career public servants by failing to fill hundreds of major administrative positions—especially within the State Department, appointing political hacks to the judiciary, clearly unqualified individuals to important administrative positions, Disgustus and his henchmen have done their utmost to impose ignorance and incompetence upon the system.

Moreover, the war upon senior members of the administration, many of them appointed by Disgustus himself, especially senior administrators at the FBI, the Department of Justice and the intelligence agencies, have compromised their political independence and their effectiveness.

McConnell has been more than a passive witness to all of this. He has not simply stood by and done nothing to protect the institutions of this country from this all out assault by the scum in the White House, but has done his level best to enable it and, on occasion, lead it.

What we have here before us is the impeachment of this president* upon evidence that remains uncontested; upon evidence that any objective reading would conclude compelling. To dismiss this evidence—especially the second article involving obstruction of Congress—is an insult to and damages the very institution and the constituents that McConnell presumably represents.

The failure of this administration to comply with Congressional subpoenas to appear before committees and testify, the failure of this administration to provide a single document not only to the committees concerned with impeachment but with the oversight committees, and the failure of this administration to provide tax returns as required by law is a clear affront to the people's representatives as they seek to perform the very important work of congressional oversight. These egregious acts should have been met with determined outrage by every member of Congress if, for no other reason, than to maintain the balance of power within the government and to protect the prerogatives of the institution that represent the state and the people within that state as well as the institution in which they serve.

But NO! Mitch and his cohorts have put party over their state and their nation; partisanship tRUMPs statesmanship. As as a consequence the ReSCUMlickans, by making a mockery of what should be a deliberative and solemn process are further destroying the integrity of what has been, until recently, a great institution.

This is a serious violation of the constitution. I'm not speaking here of singular violations of constitutional articles and provisions. I'm speaking here of material damage to the institutions of this country. The constitution is nothing but the establishment of institutions. The Legislative, Executive and Judicial as well as—in its preamble—the purposes for with these institutions were created. The defense of these institutions is, it seems to this observer, the very definition of conservative. And, it seems to this observer, that our Conservatives have betrayed not only their ideology but, in the process, their country.

All of this in defense of a foreign adversary. As Speaker Pelosi has observed: “All roads lead to Russia”

An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh

Impeach and Imprison.

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