Dec 19, 2019

December 18, 2019: IMPEACHED!!!!

As the Constitutional Convention concluded its business, Ben Franklin emerged from Independence Hall and encountered a woman on the street.  "What manner of Government have we?", she asked him.  "A republic, if you can keep it," he replied.  If we can keep it.

On the 1,063rd day of this bastard presidency, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, took to the floor of the House and, citing her oath of office, announced that the People's body would take up bills of impeachment against our Caesar Disgustus. In a tense and solemn voice she first recited the pledge of allegiance reminding the assembled that we pledge allegiance to the Republic and, echoing  Franklin admonished the assembled to keep it.

She then spoke of the oath of office taken at the beginning of each congressional session whereupon
each member of the House swears to defend the constitution from “all enemies, foreign and domestic”, thereby declaring Donald John tRUMP an enemy of the state. This was a point lost on the ReSCUMlickans, for ne'er one of them rose to protest the honor of the swine posturing as president* of the United States. Instead of defending his 'honor' or challenging the facts laid before the assembled, they compared Democrats to Pontius Pilate and Disgustus to Christ and Impeachment to Pearl Harbor. Nevertheless, by a 33 vote majority—the largest in any impeachment in the history of this country--Donald John tRUMP became the first elected president* to be impeached before the end of his first term. 

More than 9 million Americans voted for Democrats than Republicans in the 2018 congressional elections, as over 3 million more Americans voted for Hillary than Donald in 2016.  The People's House, the house of congress that is apportioned by population rather than states; that represents people rather than dirt, has spoken; reaffirming the verdict of 2016: Donald tRUMP must GO!  He is a pestilence upon the land, a clear and present danger, an enemy of the state. 

It took 1,063 days to get here, 1,064 days longer than should, by any fair and objective standard, have been necessary.

An' Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh

Convict and Imprison.

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