Dec 18, 2019

December 16, 2019: Institutional Rot, Fetid Cesspools, Parroting Putin

One expects ReSCUMlickan Congressman Jim Jordan of Ohio to sit, with rolled up sleeves sans jacket railing against the nature of the proceedings. One expects the faux rage from a man skilled at ignoring criminality and scandal. It is Jordan, while at Ohio State University who ignored complaints of sexual abuse by students. He is accomplished at seeing no evil.

It is one thing to see, speak and hear no evil. It is one thing to not believe your lying eyes, to discount what you hear, to not speak ill in the cause of unlimited political expediency. But, clearly, the ReSCUMlickans have lost olfactory sensibility, their sense of smell; while the country recoils as the stench fills its lungs, the ReSCUMlickans revel in it. Fetid cesspools are their natural habitat.

It is one thing for the knuckle-dragging remnants of the old “Tea Party” to rail in defense of the indefensible. We have long come to expect this kind of behavior. Political theater in defense of mendacity is their stock-in-trade. So whenever any action is taken, to put forward sound public policy—as in health care or gun control—or to question or call to account the actions of this administration, one can reliably depend upon these troglodytes, as well as the howlers on talk radio and Faux News to emerge into the harsh sunlight and take to the ramparts.

But it is something else entirely when senior members of the administration, the President* of Vice Mike Pence, cabinet members or Disgustus himself dutifully repeat Russian propaganda. It is quite another when senior members of the Senate, fresh from being briefed by intelligence that the Ukrainian nonsense originated in Moscow, spout this disinformation. Nevertheless, here we have the Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Richard Burr of North Carolina, John Kennedy of Louisiana, “Leningrad” Lindsay of South Carolina and “Moscow” Mitch McConnell of Kentucky dutifully parroting Putin.

But here we have it, Disgustus and his minions playing the puppet in the service of Russian national interests. They've not only interfered in our electoral process, they've taken over a major political party.

Boris Johnson wins in Britain ensuring the fragmentation of the postwar order as the ReSCUMlickans rush hell-bent to acquit the scum of his high crimes.

An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh.

Impeach and Imprison

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