Feb 16, 2018

February 15, 2018: Cats of Certain Stripe, Massive Ghettos, Stench and Corruption

Birds of a feather flock together,” goes the old adage. Indeed, like attracts like, which explains so many dysfunctional marriages. It also explains Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyehu and his Likud Party's infatuation with all things Rescumlican. We have visited these issues before.(1)

One may recall that back in 2015 in a 'thumb-in-the president's-eye' gesture of disrespect, then Speaker of the House John Boner, without consulting either the White House or the State Department announced the pending arrival of the Israeli Prime Minister to Washington during which time he would be invited to address a joint session of Congress. Netanyehu promptly accepted the invitation without first contacting the Obama White House. It was the diplomatic equivalent of taking a shit on the White House Lawn and then asking to be treated with ensuing respect. Obama, more gracious than the occasion demanded, greeted his visitor accordingly.

The question is; what is it about the Likud and Rescumlican leadership and their respective parties that creates this affinity, this commonality of interests, transcending as it does the respective borders and the relative national interests of their respective states? Why would the Israeli Prime Minister turn foreign policy into a rank partisan exercise? The question is a perplexing one.

First, there is the fact that both the Likud and Rescumlican Parties are dominated by bat-shit crazy religious fundamentalists. In Israel, there are even more extreme groups that have achieved political representation, but in the United States the Christian Evangelical movement has taken over the Rescumlican Party. These people, as previous posts suggest, swear fealty to Israel and support the annexation of the West Bank, indeed all occupied territories, a position that coincides with the nearly announced design of the Likud coalition.

But it is a mistake to divine from this that the Rescumlicans love or support Jews. Indeed, as the Alt-wrong demonstrations and the rantings in Breitbart and other conservative heralds have demonstrated, they are quite anti-Semitic. They support 'greater Israel' because these fools think that if the Israeli's re-constitute the old nation, by taking all of Jerusalem, they will tear down the Mosque and rebuild Solomon's Temple upon the Mount making possible the slaughter of the red heifer and thereby bring on the second coming of Christ. In fact they despise Judaism supporting Israel only as a means of fulfilling the prophecy of their twisted religious doctrine. The degree to which this actually serves the interests of the Israeli's is for them to decide but they have made a Faustian Bargain, much the same as the Evangelical movement has made with Caesar Disgustus, who is neither Christian nor moral, in order to achieve their 'blessed ends'.

Secondly, both the Rescumlican and Likud parties avidly propose—through action and decree—the ethnic cleansing of their populations. Likud has led coalitions that have advanced the process of removing indigenous populations from Jerusalem, the West Bank and elsewhere in clear violation of several United Nations Resolutions going back to the immediate aftermath of the 1967 War. In the United States, as we have seen, we see the continued violation of Native American Sovereignty over the Keystone Pipeline, as well as attempts at banning Muslims from entering the country and the announced intention of our Attorney General to fashion new immigration laws based on the deeply racist and xenophobic act of 1924.

Third, both parties favor building walls to 'protect' their country, turning each nation into what is, in effect, a massive ghetto. The Israeli's are much more advanced in this process building a giant wall around the country, but they have also been successful at walling off Gaza and making it into what can only now be called the world's largest concentration camp.

Fourth, there is this penchant for corruption. In the United States, the Health and Human Services Secretary has been forced to Resign. There have been serious questions concerning the Commerce, Housing and Treasury Secretaries, as well as the head of the Veteran's Administration. And there is Caesar Disgustus, with the ongoing investigations into money-laundering and racketeering, as well as possible sedition with a hostile foreign power. In Israel, police are now recommending corruption charges against Netanyahu, as well as former aides, friends and associates. This isn't the first time. The New York Times (2) reported that similar recommendations were made during his first term in office in the 1990's, and again later in 2000.

Duplicity, mendacity, and the stench of corruption permeate both parties. Pepe Le Pew has at last found his amour. Disgustus has found his Netanyahu now connected by the visible chain of corruption and the stench of political passion. Neither is gnawing at his leg in order to get free.

An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh”

Impeach and Imprison.

  1. See. March 17, 2015: The Polls have Closed, End of the Two-State Solution, Prescription for Disaster, also March 17, 2015: The Polls have Closed, End of the Two-State Solution, Prescription for Disaster, and arch 18, 2015: Middle East Wreckage, Hard Realities, Miserable Choices as well as several other posts on the subject.
  2. Halbfinger, David M. and Isael Kershner “Corruption Charges Suggested for Israeli Leader” The New York Times”. Wednesday February 14, 2018. Pages 1&9.

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