Feb 1, 2018

February 2, 2018: Wall of Obstruction, Material Accomplices, Flush This Toilet.

Professor Robert Reich, concerned about the Rescumlican campaign to undermine if not end the Mueller investigation into Donald J. Trump and his lackeys, had this to say yesterday on his Facebook posting:

    In December, just before he was to testify before the House Judiciary Committee, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein – who has authority over special counsel Rob Mueller’s Russia investigation -- sought Trump’s help in fighting off document demands from House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes. 
    No such luck. Instead,Trump used the meeting to ask Rosenstein where the Mueller’s investigation was heading, and whether Rosenstein was "on my team."
    Friends, we have a man occupying the Oval Office who has no qualms about interfering in an FBI investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 campaign. 
    This will be another piece of evidence in the obstruction of justice count of the Trump impeachment, next year. Your thoughts?”
Devin Nunes is, of course, the same Devin Nunes who last summer engaged in a White House plot to divert criticism over the tRUMP administrations accusations that somehow President Obama had violated the law and illegally wiretapped tRUMP Tower,  One will recall that the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee was seen jumping out of his car, after receiving a call, and running off only to report later that he had uncovered independently obtained information that he needed to rush to the White House which would exonerate Disgustus' and validate his outrageous claims. The charade was quickly revealed for what it was, for Nunes had run to the White House to get information from Bannon staffers at the White House, to deliver back to the White House. In sum, the White House ginning up 'documents', purportedly from 'independent' sources that weren't 'independent' at all. As a result of this brazen attempt to obfuscate Nunes 'recused' himself as chairman of the committee as it went about investigating the Russian mess.

It seems, however, that Nunes has done nothing of the sort. He has instead been 'cherry-picking' information that he demanded from the FBI to make it appear that the FBI and Robert Mueller have been 'conspiring' to bring the government down. He has summarized this fiction in a classified memo that the Rescumlicans, by party-line vote, decided to release to the public, over the strenuous objections of both the FBI and the tRUMP led Department of Justice. Not only did the committee refuse to allow the Director of the FBI or anyone at Justice testify as to the veracity of the interpretation or the wisdom, given that it could reveal sources, of releasing this screed but the committee voted along party lines to quash the Democratic line-by-line critique. Indeed Nunes refused to answer a question by a Democratic member of the Committee if he had consulted the White House when drawing up this fraud.  
The Ghost of Joe McCarthy is roaming the Rescumlican cloakrooms once again.

This in the context of the same House committee that accused two FBI agents of anti-tRUMP bias, characterizing the FBI as a 'witch hunt'. It was later revealed that not only had Mueller immediately removed the investigators upon discovery of the messages but that the emails also contained disparaging remarks about the Clintons, including daughter Chelsea, Bernie Sanders, Martin O'Malley, Jill Stein, Paul Ryan, Ted Cruz and a host of others.

It is becoming increasingly and painfully clear that the Rescumlican Party will do nothing to see that justice is done. The Rescumlican Party, now bereft of any sense of justice or decency, is now in the thralls of the ultimate degenerate, the penultimate authoritarian, and the Russian Agent. There is no known depth to which they will not now stoop. No gutter, no cesspool is too repugnant for them.

By selectively reporting the committee has instead demonstrated it's own bias, becoming—along with its 'recused' chairman, material accessories in the obstruction of justice. The public forum reeks from the stench and there will be no relief unless and until we flush this toilet.

Impeach and Imprison.

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