Feb 8, 2018

February 8, 2018: Appalling Clarity, Patina of Deniability, End of Pretense.

In an essay written for “The Nation”, Gary Younge has underscored a point that I have been making for some time. That is, Caesar Disgustus should not, and indeed cannot, be treated as an aberration.

When Greek Prime Minister Georgios Papandreau visited Washington in 1964” Younge begins, “he made no secret to President Lyndon Johnson of his displeasure with the US-backed proposal to partition Cyprus. The Greek ambassador later told Johnson that 'no Greek government could accept such a plan. The American president replied: 'Fuck your parlaiment and your constitution. America is an elephant, Cyprus is a flea. Greece is a flea. Zif these two fellows continue itching the elephant, they may just get whacked by the elephant's trunk, whacked good...

America has a consistent history of treating smaller, weaker, poorer nations with contempt. The litany of sponsored coups, assassinations (attempted and achieved), and guerrilla-backed incursions, not to mention threats, is to long to go into here” (1)

Indeed, the United States in an exercise of 'gunboat diplomacy', and one of the many “Banana Wars”, occupied Haiti in 1915 putting the nation under the direct control of the Marine Corps. The Marines stayed 19 years (2). Haiti is a case in point for if it can now be characterized, as Disgustus has recently, a 'shithole' country, the United States bears much of the responsibility for it being so.

The same is true of the Dominican Republic when Teddy Roosevelt, proclaiming his famous corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, sent in the military in 1905 securing “ Dominican agreement for U.S. Administration of Dominican customs, which was the chief source of income for the Dominican government. A 1906 agreement provided for the arrangement to last 50 years”. (3) The imperious hand of 'great power' always administering for others what is deemed they cannot do for themselves. Such is the contempt in which the 'others' are held. They are, it is held—even in 'enlightened' circles, so underdeveloped, so immature.

Younge understands that the sentiments of Disgustus “should be understood as firmly in the tradition of official US immigration and foreign policy, not as an aberration. As such, liberal indignation has to engage with two important and challenging issues when it comes to Trump's bigotry, be it leaked, tweeted, or officially proclaimed. First, it is not unique to him but has been a structural feature of the polity for some time, even when individual leaders have not embraced it. Second, this would not be possible without broad consent from a considerable section of American society. Liberals and progressives need to come to terms with the fact that not only was it possible for such an openly racist candidate to get elected, but that this could never have happened if the country weren't more racist than they had previously believed”. (4)

Of course, the United States is not alone in its myopic condescension. All 'great' powers have exhibited like tendency, some—including the United States—horrifically so. One has only to gain cursory acquaintance with world history to achieve some understanding of human inhumanity. But because of our stature and our continual protestations of innocence, we have blinded ourselves to what has been and continues to be universal observation in much of the rest of the world. As Younge so eloquently concludes:

But a shift in tone should not be mistaken for a shift in policy or practice, lest one start to give Trump far more credit than he is due. He didn't introduce racism, xenophobia, and imperial disdain into the state any more than Barack Obama, by his presence alone, could get rid of them. What is new about this moment is its appalling clarity. The patina of plausible deniability that shrouded a culture of systemic exclusion has been stripped away with great fanfare. Nobody is pretending anymore.” (5)

Caesar Disgustus brings with him the end of pretense, the end of American exceptionalism, the end of The American Ideal. He makes a mockery of the constitutional charge to 'create a more perfect union'. He defiles the very concept of the 'City on a Hill'. Disgustus is the quintessential 'Boomer', the ultimate vandal. He has assassinated our dream.

an' Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh.

Impeach and Imprison.

  1. Younge, Gary. “Trump's Appalling Clarity, The president's racism is in keeping with the long history of U.S. Foreign policy”. The Nation February 12/19 2018 pp 10-11
  2. Op. Cit
  3. Ibid

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