Jan 20, 2020

January 20, 2020: Herculean Task, Return to Normalcy?, Dubious Instruments

You say you'll change the constitution
well, you know
we all want to change your head
You tell me its the institution
well, you know
you better free your mind instead
But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao
you ain't gonna make with anyone anyhow” 
                          ----John Lennon “Revolution”

With baited breath the nation awaits this date next year when, barring conviction by the Senate, one Donald J. tRUMP will attend the taking of the presidential oath by his successor and, immediately after the inaugural ceremony, handcuffed and frog marched to an awaiting paddy wagon. To the relief of the nation, and amid dancing in the streets, he will be taken down to the bailey, arraigned before a local magistrate on an array of high crimes against the people of the United States.

Meanwhile, as his successor addresses the nation and the world in what will certainly be an Herculean task to restore decency at home and honor abroad, the White House will be undergoing a fumigation as the nation struggles to regain its ethical compass and save its institutions.

That's the worst-case scenario, for it involves enduring this petulant mendacity yet another long year, as the corrosive effects of tRUMP and tRUMPism continue to course through the veins of our political body.

The best case scenario is that somehow enough Senate Republicans find or grow a spine and vote to convict our Caesar Disgustus. Absent that, it will be up to the voters to remove this cancer eating away at the institutions of this country.

On that score, two salient points emerge as we approach the Iowa Caucus and the beginning of the quadrennial election to determine who will be the next president of the United States. First we must ask ourselves if the country is now near completing the first quarter of this century or if it is 1920 all over again. Is this country yearning for a return to 'normalcy' and prepared to elect Joe Biden, our modern equivalent of Warren G. Harding, or is it prepared to meet the future with manly purpose head-on? I think not. As noted throughout these columns, the revolt on our hands is not a left/right ideological battle. It is not a battle against the institutions in this country. Our Caesar Disgustus grossly misreads this. It is a class conflict in which the middle class, writhing in pain and losing ground financially and politically, is revolting against the top ten percent, demanding a return of the republic. Status Quo Joe doesn't fit this bill. More of the same won't cut it. Nominating the latest incarnation of the Clinton's and their DLC clones will not motivate the electorate and will ensure that Disgustus is returned to power.

Secondly, there is no way absent inspired Democratic stupidity, that Disgustus can win this election through honest means. I say this because at no time has The Donald enjoyed popular support, either as a candidate or during his more than a thousand days stinking up the Oval Office. The electorate has taken to greeting the Republicans like a socially transmitted disease, a political form of gonorrhea or syphilis. Indeed, as it stands, over fifty percent of the country wants him convicted by the Senate and removed from office. His only avenues to victory now rest with the Democrats nominating some milquetoast candidate promising a return to the Status Quo Ante, or through the dubious instruments of voter suppression, foreign interference and outright fraud.

And as the republic hangs in the balance:

Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh

Convict and Imprison.

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