Jan 3, 2020

January 3, 2020: Christianity Today, Boots of Power, The Golden Pig.

Perhaps some cracks are beginning to form in this monolith of ignorance supporting Donald J. tRUMP. Last month, Christianity Today, a fundamentalist publication, published an editorial in which it declared our Caesar Disgustus morally unfit to be president of the United States. The rag (read publication) was founded, back in the day, by Evangelist Billy Graham, until recently the most notorious of the religious telemarketers. Graham, famously, trekked the world in search of sin and iniquity. However his prostration before authority—as evidenced by his unseemly habit of licking the boots of power—blinded him to the most obvious: the criminality right beneath his nose in the Nixon White House. Power will do that to men. And so, Graham tread that long and well-worn path of worshiping power in order to exercise it. Kings and bishops have always had an incestuous relationship, each supporting the other in order that the stilts beneath them do not come crashing down.

This makes it rather impossible to render the obvious, well, in a word, obvious. To betray the lie of each is to betray the lie of all. This is what Christianity Today, however belatedly, is in danger of doing.

Rather predictably then, the howls and cries of the overmuch righteous were heard about the land. Franklin Graham, Billy's son, who has no real claim to clerical authority other than the obvious, protested like a virgin whose virtue were in question. A veritable chorus of protest then sprang up as televangelists and other cranks soon producing a chorus of outrage demonstrating that, once again, Graham isn't your only cracker.

Clearly, the Grahams have learned nothing from the experiences of half century ago, as Franklin and his cohorts circled the wagons to defend the 'virtue' of our Caesar Disgustus.

It would be laughable, if it weren't so serious, and so disgusting.

Reports have it that Franklin Graham, like many others in the American Evangelical Community and the religious wrong, has forged a friendship of sorts with Putin. It doesn't surprise me. I'm familiar with the pretzel logic of the religionist, and nowhere is it more twisted than in the fevered mind of your evangelist. Power will be supported by any rationalization, no mater how tortured. Here you have it, the most despicable, disgusting, corrupt and immoral man to ever cross the national political podium is somehow transformed into a savior doing the Lord's business.

By degrees the religious wrong has merged with the political wrong in order to gain and maintain power. And now, transformed and transfixed, they kneel yet again before an object of their own creation. The editors of Christianity Today committed the ultimate sin, for they failed to kneel and worship at the altar of the golden pig.

Hail Disgustus! Gravedigger of the Republic!

An' Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh”

Convict and Imprison

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