Jan 30, 2020

January 30, 2020: Deal of the Century, Tunnel to Gaza, Boy Blunder

Earlier this week two known criminals one guilty of ethnic cleansing and under indictment for corruption, another having been impeached by his people and awaiting indictment and prosecution upon leaving office, stood before the cameras and announced a peace plan.
The orange one declared it to be the 'peace plan of the 21st century' and then proceeded to outline the 'deal'. The Palestinians would be walled up in the highlands with a tunnel leading to Gaza. They would also get a large chunk of sand in the Sinai Peninsula and about 50 billion in so-called economic aid. What, precisely they are to do with all this sand is unclear, nor is there any clear plan as to how water would be supplied to these territories.
Israel would get Jerusalem, with the indigenous population relegated to East Jerusalem. No word on the fate of the temple mount, nor any of the religious shrines, at least nothing newsworthy enough to be discussed openly in any detail. Further there is no commitment to withdraw from any settlements on the West Bank and, indeed, land immediately upon the West Bank of the Jordan River would go to Israel. Also, no public discussion of the mineral rights to the oil and gas fields under Gaza, not the immediate off-shore drilling rights in the Eastern Mediterranean that would, by rights, belong to Palestine. Lastly, there are no provisions for the repatriation of Palestinian refugees who have been living in the camps of Lebanon and Jordan for my entire lifetime.
This 'deal of the century' was, of course, dismissed out of hand. The Egyptians, who have long made their peace with Tel-Aviv, demurred. But Jordan quickly rejected the plan, as did Syria, Iran, Yemen and several other Arab states following the fierce condemnation by the Palestinian authority.
Disgustus, the great 'deal-maker', has no idea how to negotiate a deal. A deal requires at least two parties with disparate interests coming together to reach a common goal. The Palestinians were not at the table. Heretofore, the agreements reached at Camp David and Helsinki were announced with the leadership of both sides—the Israeli's and the Palestinians—joining hands.
Instead, what the world witnessed is the United States dropping all pretense to being a neutral observer. The fig-leaf of being an honest broker no longer covers the U.S. Support of naked aggression, of ethnic cleansing. Under this agreement, Palestine wouldn't have control over its own air space.
The Palestinian spokesperson said, in effect, that Jared Kushner's 'deal' is simply a dog-whistle to the political base of the president's* (I) (1)party designed to shore up support in order to ward off conviction by the Senate and removal from office. That it is, and should be seen as no more than that.
It is also a ham-handed demonstration that the Boy Blunder is in over his head and negotiates on the world stage with the same acumen as he negotiated 666 Fifth Avenue. Like his father-in-law, Kushner is an idiot in fools clothing, presenting the Palestinians with a 'take-it-or-leave-it' proposition that everyone knows is going nowhere and only serves to further erode American influence in the region.
An' Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh
Convict and Imprison
  1. *designates illegitimate political power, (I) designates the scarlet letter of impeachment, 1. See the post dated January 25, concerning how the Jesus Junkies view prophecies as they currently apply them.

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