Aug 10, 2022

August 10, 2022: Gimme Shelter, Quiver and Quake, Elephant in the Room


“Oooh…the storm is threatnin’

My very life today

Gimme, gimme shelter

Or I’m gonna fade away



It’s just a shot away

It’s just a shot away, shot away, shot away”


                 -----The Rolling Stones “Gimme Shelter”

 Liz Cheney is facing a tough re-election.  Wyoming’s sole congressperson has found herself on the right side of history and the wrong side of the fascist base of her party. In 8 days, she faces a primary challenger, endorsed by Caesar Disgustus, and is by all accounts well behind in the polls.

 She should be on her way to easy re-election.  Once the third most powerful ReSCUMlickan in the House, Cheney has been ousted from her leadership position.  She had angered the ‘Freedom Caucus’ or, more accurately the ‘Fascist Caucus’, of the House organized by Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows over her vote to impeach Disgustus.  But when she decided to accept appointment and was made Vice Chair of the Select Committee investigating the January 6 coup d’état her fate was sealed.  She had earlier survived a vote of no confidence but by late Spring of 2021 the entire party was in open revolt. 

 Originally, in the immediate aftermath of the attempted overthrow of the government of the United States, the leadership of both houses of Congress envisioned a bi-partisan bicameral committee, that is composed of members of both the House and Senate, as the Watergate and 911 committees were constituted to investigate how it happened, who organized it, who funded it and to what ends.  Rescumlickan leaders originally supported the measure.  But as polls began to demonstrate the blind loyalty the great unwashed have for their deranged leader with his messianic complex.  ReSCUMlickan ‘leadership’, according to pattern, began to waver.  60 days into the aftermath and the opposition on both sides were well off the reservation. 

 McConnell, after having endorsed the idea, quickly moved to quash it, hoping that time would wash the blood stains from the social fabric.  McCarthy, quickly demonstrating his spinelessness by beating quick retreat down to Mar-a-Lago to kneel and service the Golden Swine, appointed the firebrand Jim Jordan and another Congressman who, though obscure, is known to make a farce of serious proceedings.  Jordan, for his part, is schooled at ignoring the facts having failed to act on serious sexual molestation charges brought to his attention when he was a wrestling coach at Ohio State University. 

 Speaker Nancy Pelosi was having none of it.  Having authority as Speaker to reject the appointments by the opposition she moved to nix McCarthy’s obvious attempt to turn the proceedings into a cheap media spectacle.  Ever the petulant twit, McCarthy withdrew all his nominees.  Pelosi responded by naming two Republicans to her committee, now composed only of members of the House, since McConnell had filibustered Senate participation.  Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois accepted her invitation to join the investigation, both had voted to impeach the son-of-a-bitch.  

 This was the last straw as far as the fascists were concerned.  McCarthy quickly called a meeting of his caucus and Cheney was unceremoniously stripped of her position. Both she and Kinzinger were likewise relieved of their committee assignments.  McCarthy, in an act of unbelievable political stupidity had at once enabled the appointment of two sober and determined members of his own party to be placed on the committee but had insured that they would have no other functions than voting on the House floor and investigating the serial crimes of tRUMP and his minions. 

 But now Cheney faces further retribution at the polls.  Kinzinger has chosen not to seek re-election, the Democratic Illinois legislature having redistricted Adam into a clearly Democratic jurisdiction. Cheney elected state-wide in Wyoming which, because of its population has just one representative in the House is facing almost certain defeat.  Liz, the most prominent Republican standing in opposition to tRUMP—she has vowed to do everything in her power to see to it that he never enters the White House again—has been censured by the Wyoming ReSCUMlickan Party. Her defeat has become a major obsession with tRUMP, as the rejection of her party and the campaign against her in the primary has had their effect.  The most recent polls have her down by 20 points. 

 Enter Dick Cheney.  The former Vice President, the “Darth Vader” behind the uncertain leadership of Dubya, the man who many—myself included—believe hijacked Bush the Lessor’s presidency; the man who brought back torture and Gitmo, the man who took money from Halliburton even as he handed out billions in no bid contracts as 40 billion dollars disappeared without a trace during the Iraq war.  Cheney proved a villain in service of an idiot.

 But even the most villainous occasionally seek redemption.  In this case it was Cheney who organized the open letter published in The New York Times and The Washington Post and signed by every living former Secretary of Defense demanding that the military not interfere on behalf of Disgustus should he declare the election a fraud and attempt to seize power.  That is, warning the military of its constitutional responsibility to the republic and to not participate in a coup d’état.  Cheney, with the Department of Defense then in the hands of a tRUMP lackey appointed as Acting Secretary in the hope of just such an outcome, drew upon the example of former Secretary of Defense James Schlessinger.  It was Schlessinger who, as Nixon was facing certain impeachment and conviction, instructed the military not to obey any orders from the White House and that all military action must come through him.  Cheney, seeing that the then Acting Secretary had no such backbone, implored his colleagues to join him an a very public statement as a warning to both the military and the country about how close we were to tRUMP trashing the constitution and seizing power.  For this action, the country will be forever grateful.

 Now he has taken to the airwaves in Wyoming defending his daughter and calling out tRUMP as a liar and a fraud, actions and words that should have been shouted, from 2015 onward by every so-called ‘leader’ in the ReSCUMlickan Party.  Where is Romney, Collins, Murkowski, not to mention McConnell and McCarthy?  Why are they not defending this woman?  Instead, they quiver and quake, terrified that if they take to the ramparts, they will be in harms way. 

 And isn’t this the sum of it?  Terror, the great unspoken elephant in the room.  The fascists always employ terror when they cannot get their way.  Terror of political displacement; terror, perhaps, for their very lives.

 ‘An’ Br’er Putin, he jus’ laugh and laugh.


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