Aug 10, 2022

August 9, 2022: Nixon as Choir Boy, Squealing Like Swine, Derelict and Tardy


Today we celebrate the 48th anniversary of the day that Richard Shithouse Nixon left the White House boarded Marine One and lifted off to San Clemente California into well-deserved oblivion.  We thought we had seen the worst of it, but Caesar Disgustus has put old Shithouse to shame.  Nixon today looks like a cherubic choir boy compared to Disgustus. 

 Nevertheless, we celebrate for we awoke this morning to find that the FBI had finally executed a search warrant at the tRUMP compound at Mar-a-Largo.  This set off the idiot wrong squealing like the swine they are with talk of armed revolt filling the dank cesspools of the internet.  Murdoch’s Faux News is beside itself with rage with talking heads aping Disgustus’ claim that the ‘radical left’ is out of control, politicizing the Department of Justice in an effort to head off a tRUMP candidacy in 2024. 

 This is of course complete nonsense.  Everything about that statement is a lie.  First, let me repeat there is no ‘radical left’ in the United States.  In fact, there is no ‘left’ in the United States.  There is only the political center and the fascist scum.

 Secondly, Disgustus, always projecting his own nefarious machinations, here accuses the Democrats of politicizing the Justice Department something he, himself, did while in office and will do again should, god forbid, he ever return to power.  This charge is on par with accusing the Democrats of stealing the election as he himself was precisely attempting this very larceny. 

 Finally, the truth is that the Democrats would welcome a tRUMP candidacy.  Disgustus may well be the only ReSCUMlickan Biden, given his current polling numbers, could beat. 

 The good news is that justice may finally be on its way.  The bad news is that it is taking far too long to get here. 

 It took two years before the House Committees obtained testimony from White House Council Don McGann.  And this was after the House Committees negotiated terms for his appearance, the courts still sitting on the case.  By the time he testified, the Mueller Report and the Russian Scandal were well in the rear-view mirror.  Ditto with the ensuing scandals. 

 When the authorities are not derelict in their duty, as in the case of Alvin Bragg dropping the investigation into tRUMP’s financial dealings, they have been altogether tardy in the application of the law.

 To wit:  Today it was announced that the D.C. District Court of Appeals has ruled that the House Committees have the authority to subpoena tRUMP’s tax returns.  This case has worked its way up to the Supreme Court which sent it back to the District Courts and is again working its way up the chain.  It has taken 3 ½ years to get this far, with another appeal to the Supreme Court no doubt being contemplated by Disgustus.  The Court ruled that it is within the legislative function of Congress to see the returns.  It is more important than that.  The people, through our representatives, have a right to see his financial statements not only because of a long pattern of tax evasion, but we have a right to know how much money he has received from the Russians and other foreign nationals.  We know that much of the properties sold after the scum began stinking up the White House were sold to shell companies held by Russian nationals.  The public has a right to know if the leadership of this country was being financially manipulated by foreign interests.

 The foot-dragging of the legal system has materially damaged this country.  Disgustus is now out of office and the legal system did nothing while he was in office to protect the nation from the collateral damage.  Any discovery, any remedial or punitive action taken, will now be after the fact.  The damage has been done.

 So, the good news is that action is being taken.  The bad news is that it is coming far too late.  The National Archives reported to the Justice Department over six months ago that documents were missing and were at Mar-a-Lago in violation of the Nixon era Presidential Records Act of 1978.  The action taken yesterday should have been done six months ago.  Similarly, the Justice Department, acting upon the ten citations in the Mueller Report of obstruction of justice, should have long since indicted tRUMP on these charges.  

Finally, tRUMP should have been indicted on the 21st of January 2021—the day after leaving office—for his involvement in the Stormy Daniels affair.  He was named as “Citizen One’ in the case, in effect an unindicted co-conspirator with Michael Cohen.  Cohen spent three years in prison for the offense. tRUMP wasn’t indicted because his fat ass sat behind the Resolute desk in the Oval Office and Justice wouldn’t indict.  And we haven’t got to the fascist Coup on January 6th or his attempts to subvert the election in Georgia and elsewhere.  There is no reason on earth why this scum should be walking free.  Disgustus has been able to game the system and remain free to strut across the political landscape unscathed by his numerous crimes.  This is institutional failure. 

 An' Br’er Putin, he jus’ laugh and laugh



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