Aug 29, 2022

August 26, 2022: 440 tRUMPs 45, Grifting on Scandals, Tarred and Feathered


“Caesar Disgustus is no longer to be known, like some mythical reference to King Cyrus as 45, but 440 in honor of the number of times he pled the 5th amendment privilege against self-incrimination.  440 tRUMPs 45.

         ----from The Quotations of Chairman Joe

 Caesar Disgustus has had a rough go of it for the last two weeks.  Since the Department of Justice executed a search warrant at the Southern Palace, it has begun to unravel for ‘our once and future potentate.  Forced to testify before New York authorities charging the tRUMP organization with serial crimes, Disgustus pled the 5th amendment 440 times in a bit over 8 hours of testimony answering, it is reported, only one question: his name.

 Previously, while campaigning in 2016, our erstwhile strongman crowed “why would you take the 5th if you’re not guilty?” referring to several of Hillary Clinton’s subordinates caught up in the email imbroglio. “Only the mob takes the 5th”, he shouted to his adoring maggots.  Now, once again whining about ‘persecution’, he cries that finally, now, he understands.  Strange that he should now claim protection from the very document he tried so assiduously to destroy.

 Well, the disgraced, twice impeached, repudiated former ‘president’ now finds himself in a heap of trouble.  As Lawrence O’Donnell has repeatedly pointed out each day, for our once and future Caesar will, for the rest of his wretched existence, be worse than the day before. 

 The walls are fast closing in.  Attorney George Conway, husband of tRUMP sycophant Kellyanne and tRUMP critic, holds that the scuffle over stolen documents retrieved by the DoJ is now the shortest distance between Donald Trump and an orange jump suit.

 Add up all the litigation now facing his corpulence; the investigations into election interference in Georgia, Michigan and elsewhere; the investigations into the tRUMP Corporation; the investigations into his role in defrauding the people and government of the United States by soliciting and creating fake electors to the electoral college ad nauseum, and one can easily envision the fat ass of Donald J. tRUMP warming a bench in courts of law for the rest of his miserable existence.  Every day, it seems, another outrage emerges demanding yet another investigation.

 He's raised well over 150 million dollars grifting on these scandals sending out emails and text messages to his supporters, often several a day, imploring them to immediately contribute to his lost cause.   The great unwashed respond by the hundreds of thousands, eager to see tRUMP flush their money down the toiled, along with government documents and notes implicating him in god know how many other nefarious crimes.

 Yet for all this money, and the ReSCUMlickan National Committee is said to be paying his legal fees anyway, he cannot seem to find competent counsel.  One of his more publicly prominent attorneys is said to be affiliated with a law firm that last represented a parking garage.  His reputation for denigrating professionals, for being condescending and dismissive of expertise, and seeking counsel from those who tell him only what he wants to hear is superseded only by his notorious record of not paying his legal bills, a reputation that precedes his ‘presidency’ by decades.  Disgusts is not the kind of man you want to represent in court, especially given that many who have tried have themselves been tarred, if not tarred and feathered, by the experience.  Just ask Michael Cohen, Sydney Powell, and disbarred and soon to be jailbird Rudolph Giuliani. 

 So ‘Ol 440 has got himself in quite a fix.  The question is now whether he can drag it out long enough so that the legal process outlasts whatever time he now has allotted on this planet or whether he can whip his fetid base into such a lather that the authorities tremble at the prospect of clapping him in irons.  Only time will tell.  The failure of this republic to punish Jefferson Davis, Alexander Stephens, Robert E. Lee, Joseph Johnston,, as well as Richard Shithouse Nixon and Spiro Agnew are historical precedents offering little hope.

 The Republic, which has every right to defend itself against corruption and sedition, has not historically risen to the task.

 An’ Br’er Putin, he jus’ laugh and laugh

 Indict. Convict. Imprison

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