Aug 8, 2022

August 8, 2022: Too Cute by Half, Eternal Vigilance, Barbarism Legitimized


“One must place one’s heel upon the neck of the conservative and never let him up.”

            ----from The Quotations of Chairman Joe

This, of course requires eternal vigilance.  To cite John C. Calhoun, who wasn’t right about much, “power must be resisted with power, and tendency with tendency.”

As the January 6th Committee was winding up it’s presentations this summer, putting the forces of evil in full retreat, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), or “D triple C” as it prefers to be called, spent 425 thousand dollars in television ads supporting the primary opponent of one of the ten Republican members of the House who voted to impeach the bastard “president”.[1]

Peter Meijer, of Grand Rapids, Michigan, representing Gerald Ford’s old congressional district, voted to impeach the son-of-a-bitch immediately after the failed coup d’état in January of 2021.  Disgustus, ever the petulant juvenile, still claiming after nearly two years the election a fraud, still trying to get state officials in Wisconsin to decertify the results, has pledged to purge the party of those who still have conscience. 

So far, Disgustus has succeeded.  Congressman Fred Upton, the other Michigan Representative who voted to impeach the scum, has already faced a similar fate.  Censored by the Barry County ReSCUMlickan Party, and facing strong backlash, he too has been driven from the field.  Upton, a veteran congressman found himself facing a spineless reprobate in the person of Dick Huizenga, from Holland, Michigan who, after redistricting was to face Upton in the primary.  Upton, facing a fellow incumbent, knew it would be an uphill battle and chose to step aside.  Scum 1, decency 0. 

That left Meijer, who was the odd-on favorite to win renomination by his party.  Meijer is a well-known commodity in Michigan.  The grandson and great-grandson of the founders of the Meijer supermarket chain—an operation copied by Sam Walton in creating the ‘big box’ supermarket—the name is easily recognizable[2].  Meijer entered the voting last Tuesday facing an opponent with little name recognition and even less money. 

That is, until the D Tripe C entered the picture.  Dropping a television buy equal to more than half of the entire sum raised by his opponent, John Gibbs—having received the happy endorsement of Caesar Disgustus—was suddenly given profile.  Gibbs won by less than 4,000 votes out of 104,336 cast.

When the press picked up upon the skullduggery, James Carville declared the strategy ‘brilliant’.  Carville claimed they were attack ads aimed at Gibbs citing that the ads claimed Gibbs ‘too conservative” for the district.  Carville is being disingenuous.  The ads also prominently cited tRUMP’s endorsement of Gibbs; ads purposely designed to perk up the ears of the fascist base of the party and jerk Gibbs from well-deserved obscurity.   Carville, one may recall, was the strategist who helped catapult the Bush-Lite Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) and it’s ReSCUMlickan agenda back in the ‘90s.  It was Carville who gave us the Clintons. 

It was Carville who took to the airwaves in 2016 and 2020 screeching like a Cajun banshee at the prospect of a Bernie Sanders nomination.  It was Carville who engineered the final sellout of the Democratic Party to corporate greed.

So here we have James back on the air touting the nefarious actions of the D triple C as “a brilliant strategy”.  The thinking, if you can call it that, is that by boosting the candidacy of the most extreme ReSCUMlickan the Democrats can pick up a seat as the electorate in the general election, being larger, will reject the proto fascist.  

This is a dangerous game on several levels. 

First, the extremist by the very act of getting a major party nomination is thereby granted a level of legitimacy.  This was the crime of the ReSCUMlickan Party in the nomination of tRUMP.  Had he been defeated in the primaries and been forced into an early exit from the contest, he wouldn’t have been even an obscure historical footnote.  By anointing him at the convention the party, as it did in 1964 with Goldwater, bequeathed political legitimacy to a movement that heretofore had no such claim. 

Secondly, there has been a lot of wailing about what happened to the Grand Old Party.  Where are the Republicans, like Baker of Tennessee, Scott of Pennsylvania, Griffin of Michigan, Percy of Illinois, Javits of New York, and others who faced down Nixon and forced him from office?  The answer is that what distinguishes that time from this is that these people have been purged from the party.  Now Upton is gone, Kinzinger is gone, and now Meijer.

Third, how do you build consensus with tactics like these?  Here you have a congressman who consulting his conscience decided to defend the republic instead of kowtowing to his party.  Instead of rushing to his defense by encouraging Democrats to vote in the ReSCUMlickan Party if only to keep the crazies at bay, the D triple C doubles the campaign spending of his idiot opponent?  Clearly, if Meijer had been renominated by his party and re-elected it would have been embarrassingly difficult to go to him with a straight face and ask for support on any Democratic legislative initiatives.  With Gibbs, it will be impossible. 

The Democratic establishment thinks this is a brilliant strategy and, perhaps, it may well be.  They may pick up this seat.  The district has been redrawn to encompass most of the Grand Rapids metropolitan area and Muskegon.  Grand Rapids votes mostly Democratic, as does Muskegon.  But the district is a good one-third rural, especially is rock-ribbed Republican Ottawa County—one of two Michigan Counties, Barry the other—to vote for Goldwater in ’64. 

The choice now is between civilization and barbarism.  The barbarians are at the gates.  In Georgia we’ve seen the establishment defend itself, not so much in Arizona and in Michigan.  This is going to prove a close contest.  Closer than it should or has to be.  Win or lose the forces of barbarism have now, thanks to the likes of Carville, been legitimized.


[2] To all by Donald tRUMP, who demonstrating his profound ignorance consistently mispronounces it at campaign rallies in Michgan.

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