Sep 20, 2024

September 17, 2024: tRUMP Contagion, Cancer on the Republic, Running for his Life


Conventional wisdom has it that Caesar Disgustus isn't the problem; he's but a symptom of the problem; he didn't invent the modern ReSCUMlickan Party, but merely revealed to us what it has become. Hell, I've even, on several occasions in these columns, made the point myself.

 But recent commentary by Brandi Lee, a psychologist affiliated with a group of psychiatrists and psychologists who, along with over two dozen other psychiatric professionals, wrote a book several years ago diagnosing tRUMP, has put his pathologies in a bit of a different light. According to Dr. Lee, tRUMP's mental illness can spread throughout society as an air-borne illness can spread. Citing the infection spreading to his base, then to members of congress, then to the federal bench, then to law enforcement agencies, the media and nearly every other institution all of whom have not only failed to hold him accountable, but have outright enabled him. 

 There are many examples of this, too many to catalog. Suffice it to say that the courts shredding the Constitution by neutering the 14th amendment provision barring insurrectionists from running for president, granting the president—with this 'president' in mind—total unlimited immunity, including assassinating his political opponents while in office. The disease now runs through the lymph nodes of the Republic. 

This week the F.O.P., or Fraternal Order of Police, the nation's largest police union, officially endorsed the convicted felon for President of the United States. It is one thing for a group of brown shirts to proudly stand behind this orange turd in a parking garage in Howell, Michigan. It is quite another for their national Union so do so. 

 Dr. Lee tells us that the remedy is to remove Disgustus from society altogether. I have been saying much the same thing for nearly four years now, contending that he should have been arrested on Inauguration Day 2021, as he was leaving Washington and held pending his several trials. This would have accomplished three desperately needed goals: 1. It would have put an immediate end to the endless legal maneuvering and delays. 2. It would have eliminated any future presidential run by Disgustus. 3. It would have removed Disgustus from society at large, giving us all immediate relief from the stench that surrounds this steaming pile of political pig shit. 

 Dr. Lee tells us that once the cancer is removed the patient begins to quickly recover. A return to 'normalcy', to borrow a phrase coined a century ago by another rogue ReSCUMlickan 'president' Warren G. Harding. The French, it should be noted, were forced into a similar realization a bit over two centuries ago when they realized that they had to quarantine Napoleon on St. Helen's Island in the middle of the South Atlantic and keep him under permanent guard in order to prevent his return. 

 So it is here. Disgustus has serially violated every one of the conditions of his freedom since he has been indicted in several jurisdictions for a myriad of crimes. It is time to incarcerate him. I suggest that this is precisely his fate. Judge Merchan has announced that his sentencing for 34 felony convictions will be after the November election. I suppose that the reason for this is that if he wins the convictions will be mute. If he loses, he will no longer have the protection of the presidency nor the canard of being a candidate for the office. Therefore, the state can move with dispatch to rid itself of this jackass. Disgustus is running for his life and, as he faces a growing prospect of defeat, he is becoming more and more unhinged. 

 Imprison the Bastard. 

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