Sep 20, 2024

September 18, 2024: Caravans are Coming, A Catch Basin, Nothing About Everything


It is the bi-annual caravan season. One can tell an election is upon us as the ReSCUMlickans are doing their bi-annual and quadrennial song and dance about hordes of brown scum about to inundate our shores, a veritable “invasion”, in Disgustus' disgusting phraseology of criminals, madmen, rapists and murderers about to violate every white woman north of the Rio Grande. 

 To this end, Caesar Disgustus seeks to divert attention from his very bad debate performance by claiming illegal Haitian immigrants have taken over Springfield, Ohio and Mexican gangs have taken control of a large section of Aurora, Colorado. None of this is true. The Haitians were invited here by the community are are working here lawfully under a work permit. The 'gangs' in Aurora came into being when a property management company, seeking to evade regulations, claimed that they couldn't do the needed repairs because Latino gangs had taken control of the property. 

 This didn't prevent our erstwhile ReSCUMlickan candidates from blowing all this out of proportion in attempts to scare the hell out of the electorate and create yet another distraction involving the dehumanization of whole segments of the population in the classic exercise of 'divide and rule.' We can expect more of this as certain defeat looms near and they become increasingly desperate. 

 There are no known depths to the mendacity and depravity of Caesar Disgustus and his Boy Blunder. Vance, yet another escapee from the fascist asylum known as Yale Law School has openly confessed to making up stories if it serves his purposes. Disgustus, of course, brought this up in the debate claiming that, in all innocence, he had seen reports on television, no doubt Fox or Faux “News”, or Newsmax, or god knows where. Disgustus, a known catch basin for the flotsam and jetsam of contemporary culture is not known for his skills involving resource evaluation.

 Critical thinking is well beyond his limited intellectual abilities. He knows nothing about everything and cannot evaluate his information sources. This makes him very dangerous indeed, should he once again stink up the Oval Office.

Imprison the Bastard. 

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