Sep 22, 2024

September 22, 2024: Sane-Washing, Musings of a Madman, In Broad Daylight


That was a real shit show”

----CNN reporter Dana Bash following the first Biden-tRUMP debate in 2020

That was in 2020. Four years later we find such refreshing honesty long gone. She co-anchored the debate with Jake Tapper on June 27th between Biden and Trump by launching a tough hard-hitting question directed at Biden on inflation, wholly ignoring the causes nor putting the issue in context of world wide economic conditions. The rest of the debate saw both Bash and Tapper sit in silence as Disgustus, unchallenged, rattled off lie after lie. Caesar told the nation that Democrats favored late term abortions, even into the 9th month, even up until birth, hell even after birth where doctors discuss killing the newborn. It's a lie, a lie he repeated, with a straight face, in this month's debate with Harris, only to be called out for it. Now he cries he has been treated unfairly for not being able to lie to the American people.

He lied about immigration, claiming over 20 million people have been allowed into this country since Biden took office. That number, though suspect, is an estimate of the total number of undocumented migrants in this country 79 percent of whom got here before 2014.

He told the nation that parents drop their kids off at school only to discover up their return a couple of days later, that they have been given a sex change operation. This is as if the school nurse, every school nurse, has an operating table and the skills to do so.

No matter, the scum just rabbits on.

He lied 34 times, by some counts, in 90 minutes during his debate with Biden, completely unchallenged by the 'moderators'.

Despite the 'spin' by Disgustus and his minions tRUMP, on substance, lost the debate with Biden. In fact Biden's polling numbers went up a point or two after the debate. What did old Joe in was the post debate coverage. Yes the delivery by the president was dismal enough, but the post debate coverage started an avalanche of calls for him to step down.

No such calls can be heard, now nearly two weeks after Disgustus shit himself in his last debate with Harris.

The charge that the press is 'liberal' has always been a lie; and the double standard in its treatment of the candidates from each party has been fully on display in the ways in which the media covers the aging of each party's leading candidates. The Democrats are excoriated for the temerity of putting forward an 83 year old man who can speak in complete sentences; the ReSCUMlicans are given a pass for nominating a 78 year demented, mentally ill fool who rambles aimlessly on for no other reason than he is mesmerized by the sound of his own voice.

It is called “Word Salad” and a new term has been coined to describe the media's reaction to his gibberish: “Sane-Washing”. One can see it when the networks invite surrogates to interpret the babble. One can see it in the coverage of this gibberish where columnists 'interpret' what the damn fool says in an effort to put a sheen of logic or purpose upon his foolishness. Even as they call it 'Sane-Washing', they then go about putting lipstick on the pig; they go about the very act of 'Sane-Washing' Donald tRUMP.

So now we have Dana Bash complaining that Harris is found lacking when it comes to 'substance'. That her lack of 'policy' is her Achilles heel that will sink her campaign. Bash has lost herself in the mire, for she can no longer see substance when it stands before her in broad daylight.

Imprison the Bastard.

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