Sep 22, 2024

September 19, 2024: Depravity of Disgustus, Blood Libel, Message is Clear


The depravity of Caesar Disgustus knows no bounds. There are no known depths to which he will not go as he snorkels in the septic tank of American politics. I put before you exhibit 1001 or thereabouts, the charge that illegal Haitian immigrants are killing and eating the pets of Springfield, Ohio and Venezuelan gags have taken over large sections of Aurora, Wyoming.

None of this is, of course, true. He's been told it isn't true. The woman who started the rumor about the pets in Springfield has since apologized claiming she never thought it would be picked up and made into an issue in the presidential campaign. Like most of us, she underestimated the depravity of Caesar Disgustus.

But Disgustus is a stable genius. Just ask him. A 'genius' is never wrong. It follows that no apologies are ever required or offered. Indeed, Disgustus in typical knee-jerk, or is it just plain jerk, fashion proceeds with the inevitable doubling, tripling and quadrupling down. So it is no surprise to find the jackass repeating with a straight face these bold-faced lies in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Boston following the dog-eared playbook of every fascist since Hitler that the more outrageous the lie, and the more often repeated, the more believable it is.

So the contagion spreads. Soon the internet is lit up with hapless Maggots and Russian trolls repeating the nonsense with wholly predictable consequence. Bomb and death threats inundate the community closing schools, hospitals, City Hall, even the god-damned Registry of Motor Vehicles. Now Disgustus tells his acolytes that he is going to Springfield and that he may never divine the meaning.

The question is why is he doing this? He's doing it because he is desperate. He knows he is losing this election and justice stands waiting at the end of the campaign trail. Harris is within 4 in Iowa. Biden lost Iowa by 8 percentage points four years ago, was down by 14 when he withdrew from the contest. She is up by 1 or 2 percent in North Carolina, even in Georgia, and within the margins of error in Florida and Texas. He's scared shitless.

This attack on immigrants is a form of “blood libel”, a reference to European justifications for pogroms against the Jews and Gypsies in the Middle Ages. In this case pets are substituted for children; but if this campaign drags on long enough we will soon be there. It is an outrageous and dangerous game he is playing, a form of stochastic terrorism which has already forced the community to take drastic steps to defend itself.

It matters not to Disgustus who needs an issue, any issue, to demonize the 'other'; and the more outrageous the better. The Nazi's held that the more outrageous the lie the more believable, I guess because that being so outrageous, it must be true. It also makes it difficult, once one has nailed one's trousers to the mast, to climb back down. It helps keep the 'true believer' in line, It is also a loyalty test in the run-up to Election Day when tRUMP will predictably claim fraud and that the election was, once again, stolen from him.

This is best demonstrated by what happened to Linsey Graham the ReSCUMlickan senator from South Carolina. Lindsey had, in a previous life, been a close friend of John McCain. But Graham was never a leader, always a follower; never the Hero, but the Hero's best friend. So when McCain got sick and passed away, poor Lindsey got lost finally wandering down the rabbit hole into Maggotland.

More accurately, he was pushed into it. Back in 2015 in the lead-in to the primaries, Lindsey momentarily had a conscience. He called tRUMP out for the fraud he was and is. He said he had no convictions, that he had no morals, that he would be the end of the Republican Party. Disgustus retaliated by announcing Lindsey's phone number in a speech which lit up Graham's cell phone. The point was clear. I will invade your space, your privacy. I will reveal information about you should you get out of line.

Come insurrection day and Lindsey took to the senate floor to denounce tRUMP and told the nation that it had been a long and sometimes fruitful journey but he had had enough. His resolve lasted for as long as it took for him to go to the airport and be assaulted by a couple of irate Maggots on his way back home.

Now Graham finds himself once again in the cross hairs. Always in need of relevance, he went on television following the debate and announced that tRUMP's performance had been a disaster.

Now Disgustus has taken into his fold another who resides at the intersection of politics and mental illness, one Laura Loomer. The latest proto-fascist to enter the enclave at Mar-a-Lardo responded on 'shitter' now known as 'X' alleging Graham's homosexuality, telling him that it is 2024 and he can come out of the 'closet', declaring “I like men too, we have something in common”.

For Graham, who represents bed-rock conservative South Carolina, this is very damaging indeed.

The message to fellow ReSCUMlicans is clear: get out of line and this is what is going to happen to you.

There are no known depths.

Imprison the Bastard.

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