Aug 23, 2018

August 23, 2018: Fight of Our Lives, Heads They Win, Tails we Lose.

Robert Reich, former Secretary of Labor and professor at both Harvard and Berkley, posted this comment on Facebook yesterday.  It is an ominous and, I think, an entirely accurate scenario should this country actually summon the courage to remove this swine from office.  Here is the professor's observation in its entirety:
"Will Trump survive? Many of the "insiders" I talk with are convinced that Cohen’s virtual naming of Trump as an criminal co-conspirator, combined with other bombshells Cohen can set off, and Mueller’s likely findings of Trump's collusion with the Russians, his longstanding business fraud, and obstruction of justice, will spell the end. Democrats will take back the House, begin an impeachment, pile up overwhelming evidence of impeachable offenses, and put enough pressure on Republican senators to convict him and send him packing.
I think this is way too optimistic. No president in history has been convicted by the Senate of impeachment. Besides, whatever happens in the House, Republicans will almost certainly remain in control of the Senate after November, and so far they’ve displayed the integrity of lizards. Fox News and the rest of the right-wing sleaze media will continue to distort and cover up – convincing 35 to 40 percent of America that Trump is the victim.
And Trump himself will never voluntarily resign. He’ll lie and claim a conspiracy to unseat him. Most Americans already knew he's a crook and a liar. After all, he’s spent his whole career engineering scams and riding above the law. But he's a superb conman, an entertainer-demagogue capable of sowing so much confusion and hate that he's already survived outrages that would have sunk a normally loathsome president -- Charlottesville, Helsinki, firings and coverups, racist rants.
We'll be lucky if he loses in 2020. And even if he loses, we’ll be fortunate if he concedes without being literally carried out of the Oval Office amid the stirrings of civil insurgency.
Bottom line: All of us who care about this nation and the world will continue to be in the fight of our lives."

The Secretary is quite right about this.  Following instructions from his Russian benefactors in the final days of the 2016 campaign, Caesar Disgustus told the nation that he would respect the election results only if he won.  Clearly the scum was prepared, had he lost the contest, to embark upon a national tour crying and whining that the election had been rigged and the office--so rightfully his--would have been stolen from him.  After all, let it never be forgotten, he has risen to national prominence on the back of the most egregious lie ever perpetrated upon the American People.  The lie that the President of the United States, a man duly elected by clear majorities twice (the first Democrat since Lyndon Johnson to get over 50 per cent of the vote and the first since FDR to do it more than once)  was not an American citizen, but a man born in Kenya.

Putin understood how useful his idiot would be, for he saw in Caesar Disgustus a potent weapon that had already clearly demonstrated that he could effectively call into question the legitimacy of a president and his administration.  So good is tRUMP at these stratagems that he, in fact, called into question the legitimacy of the returns even though he had won!   Yes, our intrepid Russian Agent has been a very useful Idiot in the service of Russian national interests. Heads they win, tails we lose.

"an' Br'er Putin he jus' laugh and laugh"

Impeach and Imprison. 

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