Aug 28, 2018

August 28, 2018: Oh Lordy, We Have Tapes, Honor Among Thieves, Sliver of Shame

Oh Lordy, I hope there are tapes.”

----former FBI Director James Comey appearing testifying before Congress

Yes, Virginia, we have tapes. Experience is powerless to instruct, and never so much the case as with your Rescumlickan. One would think, in the wake of Nixon and all that he taught us, that the very idea of allowing recording devices into the executive mansion would be abhorrent to every White House. And, indeed, it has—until now. In an administration in which one must swear fealty to one's lord—in this case “The Donald”, and in which Non-Disclosure Agreements, or NDA's are ubiquitous, someone has overlooked the modern equivalent of the good old tape recorder.

It transpires, in this White House where there is no honor among thieves—and, apparently even less loyalty and trust—that everyone is 'ratting' on everyone else. The leaking from this ship is legendary as contents of meetings and descriptions of cabals dance in headlines and broadcasts. Now comes direct evidence in the form of recordings by two of the most trusted among those that have attached themselves to the mantle of our Caesar Disgustus.

Omarosa Manigualt Newman,” writes Michelle Goldberg, “the reality show villain who campaigned for Donald Trump and followed him into the White House, is an amoral, dishonest, mercenary grifter. This makes her just like most people in Trump's orbit. What separates her from them is that she might be capable of a sliver of shame.” (1)

Naturally,” continues Goldberg, “Manigault Newman's new book 'Unhinged: An Insider's Account of the Trump White House,' is self-serving, a way to avenger her 2017 firing and make money telling us what we already know about this wretched administration. Nevertheless, she had other options for cashing in. She has revealed that she was offered a $15,000-a-month position on the Trump re-election campaign in exchange for keeping her mouth shut. She could have had a career in right-wing media; an African-American celebrity willing to say that the Republican Party isn't racist will always find patrons.

Instead, she chose to speak out against the man who made her a star and repent for her complicity in electing him. She may be a manipulative narcissist, but she's behaving more honorably than any other former Trump appointee.

That's not a high bar, and I wouldn't take most of the claims of 'Unhinged' at face value. But we don't have to, because Manigault Newman has receipts. When I got a prepublication copy of the book,...I wasn't sure what to think of the scene in which Trump's chief of staff, John Kelly, fires her, making thuggish threats to destroy her reputation if she doesn't go quietly. On Sunday, 'Meet The Press' played her recording of the exchange which unfolds exactly as she described”.(2)

And then came her recording of a telephone conversation between Omarosa and the daughter-in-law of Caesar Disgustus in which Eric Trump's wife offers her a job at the campaign in exchange for her compliance. Reports have surfaced which claim that she has more than three-score such recordings; recordings that have, in at least one instance, penetrated into the very holy-of-holies—that most secure of places—the White House Situation Room. What manner of security exists when a man so knowingly corrupt requires Non Disclosure Agreements but fails in the basic task of checking the door? As noted before in these columns, it is only upon the sheer magnitude of incompetence that the survival of this republic now hangs.

Then, there is Michael Cohen, the personal attorney to now Caesar Disgustus. Apparently Michael, trusting no one—especially one Donald John Trump, recorded everything and when federal officials raided his office and apartment and seized his phones the discovered a veritable treasure of evidence—including tape recorded phone conversations that, among other things has our Bastard President scheming with his attorney about setting up a shell company through which one can funnel money to buy the silence of several women just before the election; actions designed not only to deceive the public but circumvent federal law governing elections and financing.

It is left to some speculation to what we owe these epiphanies. In Omarosa's case, Goldberg suggests that the former Democrat-turned-tRUMPist enabler earned the calumny of the friends she made while a student at the historically black Howard University, or the friends she made while working in Bill Clinton's White House, or her stint on HRC's campaign. In Cohen's case, it is reported that his grandfather once said to him, in the wake of Charlottesville, that he didn't survive the holocaust to have his grandson defile the family name. But if it is true that Disgustus “floated the idea of being sworn in on 'The Art of The Deal' instead of the Bible” (3) I'd love to hear the tape—Lordy, I hope there are tapes.

Studies have shown that the people who are most likely to leave cults are those who maintain intimate links to people outside them. Manigault Newman, who last year married a pastor who campaigned for Hillary Clinton, could never fully sever ties with Trump Critics.” (4) And, likewise, Michael Cohen could not sever his ties with civilization.

Disgustus took to the airwaves last week in the now infamous interview on tRUMP-State Television, otherwise known as Faux News, and said openly that he discovered the payments later...this in the teeth of taped conversation with Cohen about setting up shell companies to make the payments earlier. Disgustus' only talent is lying with a straight face. But there are tapes...Lordy, there are tapes, there are lots of tapes. There is no honor among thieves and less honor in this White House. Disgustus, now tangled up in them, becomes increasingly 'unhinged'.

An' Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh”

Impeach and Imprison.


  1. Goldberg, Michelle. “Welcome to The Resistance, Omarosa” The New York Times. Tuesday, August 14, 2018. Page A21
  2. Ibid
  3. Ibid
  4. Ibid

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