Aug 22, 2018

August 6, 2018: What Kind of Man? Usual Canards, Revenge of the Cheesburger

What kind of man throws his own son under the bus in an attempt to save himself?  Answer: only our very own Caesar Disgustus.

Not since Jacob put his son under the knife in service to a vengeful god have we witnessed such a breach of fealty.  In this case the base gods of greed and ambition have so unhinged our intrepid 'leader' that he readily, even flippantly, sacrifices his own.

In a 'tweet' today the birdbrain in chief, following his usual canards about "fake News" and the "witch hunt" protested his innocence by telling the world that of course the meeting at tRUMP Tower was about getting aid (in the form of stolen emails) from a hostile foreign power and that his 'wonderful son' Donny Jr had arranged the liaison for such a purpose.  Indeed in emails between Junior and his Russian contacts the Russians made clear their support of the campaign.  Not only did Disgustus inadvertently confess the real purpose of the meeting and the collusion but fingered his own son as the principle responsible.

Oh, in case of doubt, he ended his missive by protesting that he knew nothing about it.

No one and nothing stands above Donald John Trump when our misbegotten 'leader' sits upon the throne in the wee hours of the morning struggling to move the presidential bowels.  This is what happens when one is not only a disgusting narcissist but one who sleeps with cheeseburgers.  The burgers always work their revenge.  

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