Aug 28, 2018

August 25, 2018: Trolling tRUMP, Wicked Intent, Abbreviate A Nightmare.

Perhaps Frank Bruni is right: Melania Trump, fully disgusted with Disgustus is trolling our self-anointed Caesar. Citing a turning point he labeled Melania Monday, in which “wearing a pussy bow, (she) publicly chided cyberbullies at the same time her husband ranted and raged on Twitter, likening Robert Mueller to Joseph McCarthy and demonstrating a grasp of history commensurate with his grip on civility.” (1)

Noting that the reluctant First Lady, besides not sharing a bedroom nor hotel accommodations while on trips, has heretofore been distant—some say near invisible. Let's face it, Bruni reminds us, the job is a national embarrassment. “It's a ludicrous job. You're supposed to make a difference without making waves, find a passion while veiling your convictions and smile blithely through ceaseless forensic examinations of your every accessory.

It's infantilizing. It's objectifying” (2) Bruni continues, and how the more accurate. It reminds one of the Royals, “heads of state” legally restricted from making any statements upon any subjects whatever of national importance, bobbing heads, waving arms, blithely smiling with vacant faces into faceless crowds. How fitting for our monarch in residence.

But Melania has had enough of it. Forsaking the marriage bed, she has left Disgustus alone with his cheeseburger and the company of Faux News. One can only imagine the depths of depravity. The First Lady has a higher calling and that, Bruni suggests, is trolling her husband. In addition to her pointed remarks on cyberbullying, she has announced a trip (without Disgustus) to Africa a continent, Bruni reminds us, “whose nations the president can't pronounce, let alone respect. She didn't choose that destination randomly, throwing a dart at a map. She chose it defiantly, throwing shade at her husband.” (3)

We'll admire the wickedness of her announcement”...Bruni writes, coming as it does on the heels of other acts of defiance. When Disgustus went after LaBron James, Melania came to his defense suggesting that she is interested in visiting his Ohio school for disadvantaged children so that she could see for herself the good work done there.

There have been other furtive gestures. Wearing a white pants suite to his first State of the Union address, invoking Hillary Clinton; even causing a storm on Air Force One when Caesar discovered his wife watching CNN instead of true believer Sean Hannity. Not since Adam discovered Eve in the throes of orgasm with that snake...oh well, never mind. She's even used the words 'global community'.

What's important here, Bruni reminds us, is that as our Caesar Disgustus “teeters at the precipice of incoherence and self-destruction, needing only a shove (.) (W)ho best to administer it but a spouse with her own, separate bedroom in the White House...

She inches ever closer to open contempt for him. She finds increasingly clever ways to show it. And its a perfect wedding of patriotism and payback for all the humiliations that he has heaped on her. (4)

With one not-so-gentle nudge, Melania could shove our 'unhinged' Caesar over the precipice and, concludes Bruni, “abbreviate a nightmare”. It cannot happen soon enough.

An' Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh”

Impeach and Imprison.


  1. Bruni, Frank. “Melania Trump's Call To Greatness” The New York Times. Wednesday, August 22, 2018. Page A19
  2. Ibid
  3. Ibid
  4. Ibid

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