Apr 18, 2019

April 17, 2019: Women of Color, A Miserable Failure, The Political Wrong

Our Caesar Disgustus has been a miserable failure. His only accomplishment, the tax cut, has been a failure. As middle Americans completed and submitted their tax returns the found out just what a con job it was as the middle and working classes average about a penny an hour in tax relief. This means that for a standard forty hour work week the average worker gets a 40 cent return, less than 50 cents a week. For the year, you can buy a large size pizza with what tRUMP has given us in tax relief.

But the kicker is that this wasn't even tRUMP's bill. Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell conjured up this flying monkey and, for a while, it took flight but now, when America must put pen to paper, the country is discovering to its dismay that the slight increases in take-home pay realized in the aftermath of the new law are being recouped by the government in the form of diminished returns.

It gets worse. For instance, in case you haven't noticed, and you probably haven't, the floor was raised on medical deductions. Formerly one needed about five thousand dollars in medical expenses before one could begin deducting the expense from one's tax bill. Now it is over ten thousand. Limited too are deductions for interest on home mortgages, with ceilings placed on those deductions that affect the upper middle classes.

The result is that the singular accomplishment of this maladministration, which has never been popular, is becoming increasingly less so. So too are tRUMP's assaults on the environment as his band of pirates continue the rapine and plunder. Ditto for the remainder of his policies where the cartels are busy consolidating and concentrating wealth and power, as they plunder the public domain. None of this is resonating with the vast majority.

Indeed, as economist Paul Krugman points out, even his attacks on Obamacare rung hollow. Not only is there growing approval for his predecessor's signature achievement, but the country is moving beyond Obama as it struggles in the grip of the insurance, medical and pharmaceutical cartels. This was demonstrated last week when Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders held a town-hall meeting with Fox News. The moderator, in an attempt to demonstrate how Bernie wouldn't resonate with his following, asked the audience—all viewers of Fox News—how many of them favored single-payer health insurance. The hosts didn't get the answer they expected as nearly 70 percent of the Fox followers raised their hands. The grafting of populist hide upon the corporate pig, it appears, has not been an entirely successful operation.

But while today's G.O.P. Can't do policy,” observes Krugman, “it commands a powerful propaganda machine. And this machine is now dedicated to a strategy of portraying Democrats as extremists. It might work—but it shouldn't, because Democrats aren't extremists, but Republicans are.” (1)

Krugman points out that the Republican response to the wholly predictable unpopularity of their agenda has been to demonize the opposition, principally two women of color. The first being representative congresswoman Ilhan Omar one of the two newly minted members of Congress who are both female and Muslim. Krugman observes that “the usual suspects have gone all-out in using an out-of-context quotation to portray her, completely falsely, as sympathetic to terrorists.” (2) Disgustus, ramping up the hysteria has called her “dangerous” while openly questioning her loyalties. Omar, for the record is a refugee from the political strife in Somalia and came to this country while in her teens. She is now a citizen and represents a legitimate American constituency in the Congress of the United States. You don't earn much more legitimacy than that.

The other object of ReSCUMlickan preoccupation is the notorious AOC, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Likewise a woman of color, AOC has become such an object of fascination by the idiot wrong that Fox and Fiends cannot, it seems, spend a moment without her. They just cannot get her out of their sights. “Over a six-week period,” Krugman relates, “Fox News and Fox Business mentioned her more than 3,000 times, invariably portraying her as ignorant, radical, or both.

It's surely not an accident that these two principal targets are both women of color; there's a sense in which supposed concerns about extremism are just a cover for sexism and white nationalism. But while it's still worth pointing out that while both Omar and AOC are on the left of the Democratic Party, neither is staking out policy positions that are extreme compared with either expert views or public opinion.

Take AOC's famous advocacy of a 70 percent tax rate on very high incomes. Economists who knew anything about public finance immediately recognized that number as coming from a widely cited paper by Peter Diamond and Emanuel Saez, two of the field's leading figures. You don't have to agree with their analysis to recognize that AOC, far from showing her ignorance, was actually drawing on solid research.” (3)

While Krugman adds that the public doesn't find these ideas outrageous and that the filthy rich, in their view, pay too little in taxes. Krugman could also have pointed out, as we have in these columns, that these so-called radical proposals are nothing more than a return to previous tax schedules, a progressive taxation that produced far less concentrations of wealth and lower federal deficits. It was also under these tax structures that the middle classes were last invited to participate and benefit from economic recoveries. If by radical one means that the proposal is a departure from previous experience the argument falls on its face; if by radical one means a radical departure from the rapine and plunder now underway the criticism stands.

Krugman then goes on to reiterate the arguments long presented in these columns that it is the reSCUMlickans who are the extremists. It is the political wrong who have gone off the reservation. It was the political wrong who have readmitted the likes of the John Birch Society to their midst. It is the political wrong that wants to dismantle the social safety net, built in the last century as a response to the Constitutional charge to provide for the “General Welfare”. And to maintain power, it is the political wrong that must now attack our republican institutions and suppress the vote.

There are reasons Disgustus and his minions are attacking the women, for they find themselves now representing the unholy alliance of male chauvinism and white nationalism and the economic elites. This is the new conservative coalition. And they still believe, as George Wallace, Pat Buchanan and Ronald Reagan before them that they are still ascendant.

An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh”

Impeach and Imprison.

  1. Krugman, Paul. “Republicans Are the Real Extremists” The New York Times. Tuesday, April 16, 2019. Page A24
  2. Ibid
  3. Ibid

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