Apr 5, 2019

April 4, 2018: Finger In The Dike, My Roy Cohn, A Simple Stooge

Our Caesar Disgustus does not hold a candle to Benedict Arnold. He has neither the courage nor the integrity.”

             ---from The Quotations of Chairman Joe

The Washington Post reported this evening that investigators working for Robert Mueller are upset over attorney general William Barr's characterizations of their report. They are not only upset about the fashion in which our Caesar Disgustus has further mischaracterized the findings as a “total exoneration,” but the way “he and his allies began wielding Barr's summary as a political cudgel to dismiss not just Mueller's work but any future investigations into the president's conduct.” (1)

The Post quoted a source close to the investigation as saying “It was more acute than Barr suggested. ” implying that the content of the material is much more damaging—especially concerning obstruction of justice, than Barr would have us believe.

The report is said to be in the neighborhood of 400 pages in length with indices and other appendages attached. The full report could well extend to several hundred pages more. Further, as reported this evening on MSNBC, the Mueller team had written summaries for each section of the report that were carefully crafted so that they could be immediately released to the Congress and the public. The team was dismayed to find that Barr had stepped in and put his paws all over the summaries, reducing them to a mere caricature of their content and import.

Caesar Disgustus has groused from the beginning that he needs his Roy Cohn—the mafia attorney best known for creating the stench behind the Joe McCarthy hearings. Disgustus is forever bellowing “where's my Roy Cohn”, as he struggles to keep a finger in the dike and hold off inevitable submersion. What he means, of course, is that he wants someone to protect him—for protection he needs—from inevitable discovery, prosecution and imprisonment. That's why he fired Jeff Sessions, and that's why he hired William Barr.

Barr is proving himself to be precisely the political hack that Disgustus will use to obstruct the release of the findings and, hopefully, ward off disaster. Barr had written, as a resume for the job, a 19 page opinion in which he held that the president cannot inherently commit obstruction of justice. It was this a priori reasoning that led those involved in the investigation, according to some commentators on MSNBC, to conclude that Barr simply imposed his rather curious, singular and self-serving interpretations concerning presidential power upon a document whose conclusions he knew the president and the country—for different reasons—would find repulsive.

Barr, as noted previously in these columns, is good at this. It seems that this is his calling in life. Previously he had penned the pardons of six principles in the Iran-Contra Scandal, including former Defense Secretary Weinberger and former national security adviser McFarlane. With those pardons, the tragic story of high crimes in the Reagan-Bush years were effectively put to rest.

The Democrats, and some Republicans, are having none of it. Speaker Pelosi, whose chamber voted 420-0 to release the report, is demanding the full release. But Lindsay Graham and Mitch McConnell, both of whom recipients of Russian campaign contributions, have prevented the Senate from taking up and voting on the House resolution.

Let there be no mistake: Barr is a political hack, the go-to guy to cover up the mess. He has a lot of work to do.

As we speak, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee is planning to supeanoa the records and, perhaps, Barr, Mueller and all the rest. The chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, is making similar demands to the IRS in order to get the tax returns of our Caesar Disgustus before the Congress and the American people—and to find out if there ever was an audit. Similarly, the House Intelligence and Oversight Committees, because the nation needs to know if our 'president' is a crook.

Of course, we know he is a crook. But we need to also plunge the level of involvement with the Russians in the last campaign. We have to know if Disgustus is 'compromised', and to get to the bottom of this will require months if not years of further examination.

We need to know why Mueller did not indict tRUMP larvae for lying to Congress. We need to know why the investigation stopped short of accusing the 'president' of obstruction. Was it because of lack of evidence or did Mueller simply conclude that following DOJ guidelines he could not indict a sitting president and so, as we did in Watergate, the special council simply turned the evidence over to the House of Representatives so that the House would indict—as they did with Nixon—through articles of impeachment. This does not, exonerate Disgustus.

And, Mueller may have been reluctant to charge the 'president' with conspiracy against the United States because the evidence—because of the obstruction of justice—was not forthcoming. We don't know, we need to see the report.

It has been observed in these columns that, in the end, the best defense that Caesar Disgustus can mount is that he is too stupid, too ignorant and too incompetent to be a knowing Russian asset.

What the report allegedly does say is that tRUMP and his campaign were manipulated by a sophisticated foreign intelligence operation. Disgustus is, therefore, not exonerated but merely reduced in stature from being a full-blown traitor to being a simple stooge.

It makes sense. Disgustus has not the courage to commit fully grown treason. No, sgt. 'Bone Spurs' cannot be relied upon to do something so courageous. It makes much more sense, in light of his personal history, that he was simply manipulated; becoming not, like Benedict Arnold, a champion of perdition but merely Putin's “useful idiot.”

Let that sink in: our Caesar Disgustus does not hold a candle to Benedict Arnold. He has neither courage nor the integrity.

An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh”.

Impeach and Imprison


  1. Parker, Ashley. Nakashima, Ellen Barrett, Devlin. Leonnig, Carol D. “Potentially damaging information in Mueller report ushers in new political fight” The Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/potentially-damaging-information-in-mueller-report-ushers-in-new-political-fight/2019

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