Apr 27, 2019

April 26, 2019: The Impeachment Imperative, Not An Option, Worst Kind of Partisanship

Our Caesar Disgustus is begging us to impeach him.  He knows he's unfit for the office.  He knows he's a miserable failure.  Deep down inside he knows that he is in over his head and is drowning but he has not the courage to resign.  He also knows that resignation will leave him open to immediate indictment and prosecution.  So he hangs on, begging the public to resolve the crisis.

He also knows that he can play the martyr when the Democrats finally screw up the courage to confront this constitutional crisis.  Martyrdom fits in well with the persecution complex of his following and he will play it to the hilt.

But the Democrats cannot let the prospect of our Disgustus squealing like the pig he is when the axe begins to fall prevent them from doing their constitutional duty.  Already we hear even the "progressives" within the Party murmur that it is useless to impeach, that the election is right around the corner and that if they move against Disgustus his senate lackeys will simply not vote to convict and remove him from office.  In the aftermath, they reason, Disgustus will emerge triumphant and will be out of control.

He already is.

Already he has taken "victory laps" in the wake of the Mueller report, or at least Attorney General Barr's summary of it, claiming total exoneration, that he was a victim of a partisan 'witch hunt', and promising retribution in the aftermath.  Already he is emboldened to resist virtually every inquiry by Congress into the corruption of this maladministration.  Already he is framing the debate for the next election, declaring himself triumphant in the face of his adversaries.  Already he is about tearing up even more international agreements, this time weapons agreements, to satisfy his political base.

Disgustus is begging to be impeached.

It is wrong to frame this question in the context of the next election.  Democrats from Pelosi and Barney Frank to Bernie Sanders are telling the nation, citing the Clinton experience,  that to impeach will backfire and ensure the re-election of Donald tRUMP.  First, we cannot use the Clinton experience as a guide, nor should we.  The Clinton impeachment was another capital example of the "generation of swine" making a pig's breakfast of everything they touch.  Like the ReSCUMlickan tax bill, or their efforts to repeal Obamacare, there were no hearings.  Only Special Prosecutor Kenneth Starr appeared before the Congress as he presented his report and then the scum moved to impeach without calling any witnesses, failing to present the case--such as it was--before the nation.  Clinton had lied to authorities and there was some legal jeopardy, but the nation--always focused on tits and ass; always drawn to the seedy and tawdry--didn't hear the legal argument for obstruction.  As a consequence the country decided that whatever the offense it didn't matter and moved on.

But we are confronted here with much, much more than lying about illicit sex.  The brazen contempt of this 'president' for the institutions of this country, the intelligence community, the justice department, the courts, the congress, the press and even the leadership of his own party, as well as his overt disregard for the rule of law demand action.  Here the Watergate example is much more instructive.  Hearings must begin into this administration and the corruption that pervades it.  It isn't just tRUMP, it is also the people who surround him.  His daughter, his son-in-law, as noted in the previous post.  We know that tRUMP has a long financial connection to the Russian oligarchy, we must look into Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross and his ties to Deutchebank and the Bank of Cyprus, both known for laundering Russian mob money. Then there are Betsy DeVos and her brother Eric Prince both staunch advocates of privatization who have reaped huge financial rewards from the outsourcing of public funds.  And we haven't even begun to hear from the Southern District of New York, the New York State Attorney General's office or the jurisdictions in Northern Virginia--conducting at least a dozen more investigations into tRUMP and his dealings.

tRUMP biographer David Kay Johnston, as well as others, have written about the corruptions that surround the tRUMP 'empire'.  As noted in these columns, the New York Times published a lengthy article detailing the intergenerational organized syndicate that is the tRUMP family detailing decades of tax evasion and bank fraud.  tRUMP attorney Michael Cohen has testified to insurance fraud.  David Kay Johnston has written about money laundering.  And there is much more.

It is now beyond doubt that our Caesar Disgustus is the least informed, most ignorant, incompetent and corrupt individual ever to darken the door of the White House.  He represents a clear and present danger.  Impeachment is not an option, it is an imperative.

To fail to impeach is to abrogate responsibility.  To fail to impeach is to violate one's oath of office.  To fail to impeach is to fail our constitution.  To fail to impeach is to fail our country.  To fail to impeach because of feared political consequence is to practice the worst kind of partisanship.

Impeaching Caesar Disgustus is an ethical, legal and political imperative.  Justice and the nation demand it.

"An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh"

Impeach and Imprison

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