Apr 26, 2019

April 23, 2019: Disloyal Opposition, Deeply Malignant Force, Too Far Gone

Elijah Cummings, chairman of the House Oversight Committee, appeared on MSNBC last Friday night telling the nation that not only is the White House refusing to comply with his committee's request for information and that there has been no response whatever from the White House, but that the ReSCUMlickan minority members have written to the White House asking that the administration not reply. Similar reports of noncompliance from other committee's are also emerging though it is unclear if the minority is similarly acting to sabotage the legitimate functions of the House.

There is nothing new to this. The 'Disloyal Opposition', one may recall, similarly worked to undermine the Obama administration's foreign policy back in 2015 when they invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak before a joint session of Congress without first discussing, much less clearing, the event with the White House. A harbinger of a future drift toward partisanship in Middle Eastern policy with Likkud and ReSCUMlickans walking hand in hand. But even more destabiling was the action taken by 47 ReSCUMlickan senators, in an unprecedented act of political mendacity, signing an open letter to the Iranian government stating that any subsequent president could nullify the agreement “with a stroke of the pen”, suggesting that bargaining with Obama would result in, at best, a transient agreement that would be quickly nullified by the succeeding Administration.(1) The ReSCUMlickan's, of course, made good on the threat destroying at once continuity in American foreign affairs and further destabilizing the region in the bargain.

The rogue elephant that is the ReSCUMlickan Party is not of Donald tRUMP's making. Our Caesar Disgustus isn't making the party over in his own image, he is simply the face on an already deeply malignant political force. So it should come as little surprise to find them enabling his increasingly paranoiac, aberrant and deeply troubling behaviors.

It would be of minor interest if the questions about which the House seeks answers were not so serious. What are his ties to Russia? What obligations does he have? What is motivating this lick-spittle, sycophantic, even juvenile behavior when it comes to Russia? What is motivating our Middle Eastern policies? Could it be that there are real estate transactions behind the moving of our embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and tRUMP's recognition of Israeli claims to the Golan Heights and the West Bank? How much of our policy toward Qatar and Saudi Arabia are determined by the financial interests of the tRUMP's and the Kushner's? About these and scores of other questions the country demands answers.

But it gets more serious. Reports have surfaced that the clown in charge of White House security clearances waived objections to over two dozen top White House officials including the daughter and son-in-law. Ivanka, who has yet to be called before the House to explain the trademark grants given her by the Chinese government, and Jared who has yet not been called to account for the pressuring of the government of Qatar to provide loans to shore up his teetering real estate empire. Instead, the ReSCUMlickans in congress are encouraging this 'president' to obstruct any inquiry over anything relating to either his finances or his behaviors.

As the Mueller reports sinks in, this administration is coming under greater scrutiny. The nation can look for no help from the disloyal opposition. The rotting ReSCUMlickan Party is too far gone. It is up to the Democrats and the independents to bring political pressure to bear.

Disgustus is stinking up the forum. Disgustus is daring us to impeach him. Disgustus is a clear and present danger, and major voices within the Democratic Party recoil at what stands before us.

An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh”

Impeach and Imprison.

  1. See post of March 11, 2015: Generation of Swine, Mendacity of the Swine, Deeply Offensive Performances.

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