Apr 27, 2019

April 27, 2019: Terror in Trouble, Incestuous Relationships, Stench of Good Scandal

The most dangerous terrorist organization in the United States is in deep trouble. Tonight Nebraska academic and activist Amanda Gailey posted this on Facebook:

Oh, man. The cesspool of the NRA is in bad shape. Oliver North just announced he will not stick around for a second term as President.
Why? Because the NRA is in big, big trouble.
Back in the 1980s they started a relationship with the Oklahoma-based advertising firm Ackerman McQueen. By the 1990s the amount of money flowing from the "nonprofit" NRA into Ackerman McQueen was already causing internal rifts in the organization. The La Pierre/Ackerman McQueen faction won, and the relationship has only gotten more incestuous.
What appears to be happening is that AM submits bills for whateverthefuck they want to the NRA--ranging from costs to run NRA TV, with its incitements to violence against the left and the press and its absurd idiot-pandering in features such as dressing Thomas the Tank Engine up in KKK hoods--to mega-inflated salaries that go directly to NRA board members. So the NRA gets a "nonprofit" income stream from memberships, donations, etc., and they write a virtually blank check to AM, who then pays the NRA's own board members lavish graft salaries, including millions of dollars to Oliver North himself. All while the NRA is currently running something like $30,000,000 in the red in its most recent annual accounting.
La Pierre has historically been just fine with this arrangement. He himself has enjoyed an exponential increases to his salary and has some kind of absurd golden parachute that will continue to pay him his $1.4m salary *after he retires*.
But the NRA has attracted increased scrutiny of its finances, what with probably funneling tens of millions of dollars of foreign money into the Trump campaign and running afoul of regulations in NY for its bullshit scam insurance program (engineered by Ackerman McQueen) and hosting a convicted Russian spy as she sought to set up backchannels between Putin and Trump.
So that means that the NRA is in big, big trouble, because their incorporation (from way back when) is in New York state, and that means that New York's state officials are the ones who will likely investigate and punish the NRA when this shitshow "nonprofit" is addressed. You know, New York--where they are not beholden to the NRA.
La Pierre, attempting to cover his deatheating grafter ass, filed a suit against Ackerman McQueen on behalf of the NRA two weeks ago, essentially pointing the finger at the agency he has been in bed with for 30 years for supposedly ripping off the NRA and keeping bad accounting. Blame as much as you can on AM and spare the NRA and your own ass, seems to be his thinking.
But AM is not going down that easy, especially when a bunch of NRA board members will also be in deep trouble for consistently ignoring whistleblowing about AM from the NRA's own staff. So Oliver North, one of the many grafters sucking blood money out of this con, attempted to extort La Pierre into dropping the lawsuit by threatening to reveal a bunch of side money-sucking he and his staff have been drawing off the NRA coffers.
La Pierre called him out on this, though, apparently far more worried about spending the rest of his pathetic soul-dead life in prison if investigators discover the decades-long Ackerman McQueen con than if they just nail him on whatever shitty fascist tailored suits he and his staff have been buying for themselves off of skimmed NRA money.
So now there is some kind of glorious battle of the Orcs going on in the NRA board, each scrambling to save as much of the sugar tit and cover as much of their own asses as possible. I can only hope Chris W. Cox remembered to pack his vitamins for the NRA Convention this weekend because he is going to need them--being a festering piece of living human shit can really be hard work sometimes. Time to earn that $$$, Chris.” (1)
We can only hope that the authorities in New York pursue these financial crimes as well as the fraud that lies beneath them and prosecute the principals as well as the NRA's board members to the fullest extent of the law. Perhaps we shall soon be rid of this terrorist organization.

But who would have thought that Oliver North would be found mishandling money while extorting his fellow villains? Certainly not our Caesar Disgustus.  Ordinarily, a president would avoid attending an N.R.A. conclave as the ancients would avoid a leper colony.  But not our Caesar Disgustus who simply cannot resist the stench of good scandal.  With a Russian operative currently about to be sentenced for infiltrating the NRA in order to influence the ReSCUMlickan Party, and with battle raging over who is best equipped to plunder its coffers for their own gain, Disgustus is found swimming in the cesspool like a pig in shit, addressing the NRA annual convention casting false pearls before real swine. 

An' Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh”
Impeach and Imprison.

1. Gailey, Amanda. Facebook Post April 27, 2019.

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