Aug 17, 2020

August 17, 2020: Of the Money, By the Money, For the Money

It's absolutely unacceptable that 457 billionaires increased their wealth by 731 billion during the pandemic, while 30 million Americans lost their jobs and now face hunger and eviction. Now, more than ever, we need an economy that works for all, not the 1%. The Senate must act.”
         ----Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders (1)

It is indeed a rare thing for a major politician to sound the alarm bell when it comes to greed in America. The statistics are alarming, indeed obscene.

With the Congress in recess, and the White House hell bent on punishing its 'enemies', real and imagined—and more imagined than real—much needed aid is being withheld because Mitch McConnell and Donald tRUMP have no intention of coming to the assistance of hard strapped state and local governments. Nancy Pelosi had shepherded a three trillion dollar relief bill that would have put much needed money into the hands of Americans, shored up the hard pressed state and local authorities who are the first responders and have born the burden of this pandemic, and rescued the post office. No matter, tRUMP is not interested in bailing out state govenments because failure to do so means the greater likelihood of privatizing those services if they cannot be eliminated altogether. Ergo, the Postal Service.

The Democrats, in negotiations with the White House Chief of Staff, had agreed to take a trillion dollars off the table in a good faith effort to get some money into the hands of the people. Not good enough said the chinless bastard from Kentucky, who promptly washed his hands of the whole affair and close up shop for nearly a month. Pelosi had sent the relief bill to the Senate back in May. McConnell sat on it for nearly three months, and then folded up shop and walked away, the country be damned.

This is governance in America, such as it is. As gridlock paralyzes the nation, tRUMP announces that the Alaskan wildlife refuge will now be vandalized by the petroleum industry. Government of the money, by the money, and for the money.

An' Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh

Flush this turd, November 3rd.

1. Sanders, Bernie. Facebook post 8/17/20

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