Aug 30, 2020

August 30, 2020: Vacuous Nonsense, Empty-Handed, No Promises to Break

The proceedings have finally come to a merciful end. Disgustus has had his day. The quadrennial gathering of swine have labored mightily and delivered a rat. For the ReSCUMlickan Party, the Grand Old Prostitute, is babbling vacuous nonsense and has left the country—desperately in need—empty-handed.

Disgustus, famously, promises the best steaks but delivers tripe. No matter, the maggot hats rush to the rotting meat falling from the carcass. It is their usual fetid fare. But now, he promises nothing at all.

For the first time in living memory, perhaps the first time since political conventions came into being early in the 19th century, a major political party has failed to produce a party platform. In doing so, they tell us more than they suspect, for they have brought forth candidates but no ideas, confessing by their actions, and in-actions, that they have, literally, no idea where to lead the country.

We know, from bitter experience, that they have no idea how to lead the country, now they openly confess that they don't know where to lead it. Finally, the truth is out. The ReSCUMlickan Party is intellectually, as well as morally, bankrupt.

What we are left with is all tRUMP, all the time; a political movement that now exists for no other reason than to make a pig's breakfast of what has been built and to worship the golden swine. Vandalism and The Vandal; at least this time around there will some measure of honesty, for there will be no promises to break.

Our great and powerful Oz takes no responsibility and promises nothing. An empty shirt posturing and preening like unto a living god.

An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh

Flush this turd, November 3rd.

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