Aug 26, 2020

August 26, 2020: Straight and Narrow, Heresy and Treason, Ass Festivals to Holocaust

So tenaciously should we cling to the world revealed by the Gospel, that were I to see all the Angels of Heaven coming down to me to tell me something different, not only would I be tempted to doubt a single syllable, but I would shut my eyes and stop my ears, for they would not deserve to either seen nor heard.”

            ----Martin Luther (1)

Amid reports that the Ass Festival held in Sturgis, South Dakota has now spread over 100 cases of Covid-19 to at least 8 states, the current Ass Festival continues unabashed and unabated. The vitriol spewed nightly by a range of the deranged paints a picture of the immanent destruction of the American republic should the country exercise wisdom, not to mention a measure of public hygiene, by flushing these turds from the forum. This, while back in the corridors of power they labor mightily to accomplish precisely these ends.

The Ass Festival known as the ReSCUMlickan National Convention also began as reports surfaced that Jerry Falwell Jr., son of the founder of the so-called 'moral majority' and wrong-wing political hack, is up to his gonads in sex scandal. It seems the president of “Liberty” University, which his father also founded, has joined his wife in a tryst with the pool boy producing a delicious decade-long manage a' trios. It appears that our 'religious' leader has engaged in behavior that the institutions his father founded, as well as the flocks that he sheared, would find repugnant. Accounts vary, but generally report that brother Falwell loves to watch his wife in action complete with photos and videos. It remains unclear whether Falwell joins in the proceedings and, if so, in what capacity.  

It's bad enough when the in-laws find out about it, bad enough when the friends find out, but the Falwell's have achieved national, if not international, notoriety by flogging virtually anyone who didn't stick to the straight and narrow, didn't walk the line, didn't conform, didn't happily don the intellectual and moral straight jacket that they call religious doctrine. Now the piper must be paid. 

Relax Jerry, we understand, we really do. Your only true sin is declaring war upon the Old Adam that is, natural man, teaching your flock to reject humanism; to alienate themselves from themselves through the rejection of reason, and denial of the senses-- foremost pleasure-- however arrived at. But what is mere hypocrisy when confronted with ideological and doctrinal imperative? Falwell will likely survive the tempest as has Jim Bakker and a host of other bible-thumping religious howlers. For the True Believer is nearly impervious to mere fact and will shut the eyes and block the ears when confronted, as a case in point: ask the ReSCUMlickan led senate.   Belief always trumps the senses. Faith always trumps reason. The heart must always trump the mind. 

The devout are always urged to seek the absolute truth with their hearts and not their minds” wrote Eric Hoffer. (2) Or, as Crash Davis told pitcher Luke LaRuoche in “Bull Durham”, don't think Meat, it will only hurt the team.

And, therein, lies the only path to salvation for either Falwell or tRUMP, indeed the entire ReSCUMlickan Party and American Conservatism: that the faithful will not think; that they will not connect the dots; and that, having fore-sworn reason they will rush to the rescue. How else to explain how tRUMP holds a nearly double digit lead among those polled on questions concerning the handling of the American economy. The Republicans have trashed the economy every time they've laid their hands on it: Eisenhower's recession in the late 50's, the “stagflation” of the Nixon-Ford years, the economic downturns at the beginning and end of the Reagan-Bush experience, the near total economic collapse presided over by Bush the Lesser, and now this. Oh! an let's not forget the colossal catastrophe handed to FDR by Harding, Coolidge and Hoover. Does one notice a pattern here?

Nevertheless, a plurality of the public conditioned on the visuals of television still believe that this common carnival barker is an accomplished businessman and great negotiator. They have been taught from early age to be good sheep, for they will follow. 

For the true believer “to rely on the evidence of the senses and of reason is heresy and treason.” (2) Better still, as Martin Luther admonished his sheep when confronted with inconvenient facts and truths, one must shut one's eyes and stop one's ears.

Hoffer reminds us that, as Rudolph Hess swore in the entire Nazi Party in 1934, “He exhorted his hearers: 'Do not seek Adolph Hitler with your brains; all of you will find him with the strength of your hearts.” (3)

Connect, if you will, the dots: It is but a short journey from Luther's admonition “It is the heart which is the consciousness of God, not the reason,” (4) to the destruction of a republic and the introduction of terror. It begins with Ass Festivals and ends in holocaust.

An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh

Flush this turd, November 3rd.


1. As quoted by Erick Hoffer. The True Believer. Thoughts On The Nature of Mass Movements

    Copyright 1951 Perennial Library, Harper & Row, New York. Page 75
  1. Ibid. Page 77
  2. Ibid. Page 77

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