Aug 28, 2020

August 28, 2020: The Real Fraud, Nowhere to Turn, Despise His Ass

They're trying to rig the election” Disgustus bellows before an adoring crowd of maggot hats. In tRUMPspeak this means that he is trying to rig the election. The Daily Beast is reporting today that the tRUMP campaign, in full panic mode, is doing its utmost to restrict Democratic turnout in the upcoming election.

On June 29,” writes David Lurie, “the Trump campaign filed a lawsuit demanding the voiding of the efforts of Pennsylvania's state officials to facilitate mail voting during the pandemic. Among other things, Pennsylvania is allowing the use of ballot drop boxes, so voters can avoid returning ballots through the mails. In light of revelations that Trump's recently installed Postmaster General (and fundraiser), Louis DeJoy, deliberately engineered new inefficiencies and delays at the Postal Service (Particularly in Philadelphia), the need for drop boxes is even more clear. But that's only made the Trump campaign more determined to prevent their use.” (1)

Referring to “fraud” no fewer than 51 times, the campaign filed a motion before Judge Nicholas Ranjan, a tRUMP appointee who, recognizing the centrality of possible fraud, demanded evidence. The campaign could provide none, claiming that, well, it just makes common sense. It makes “common sense” only in the minds of those about to be run out of office by angry voters.

Indeed, Lurie sites a study by The Heritage Foundation, a conservative stink tank, revealing that over 9 years there were only 15 cases of voter fraud in the 5 states that provide for mail-in voting, hardly enough to rig an election.

But note that our Caesar Disgustus and his minions are not opposed to all mail-in or absentee ballots (for Disgustus and his larvae regularly vote by mail), but are seeking to restrict this means of voting in heavily populated areas, where people are most likely, given the congestion, to vote by mail. These, of course, are heavily Democratic precincts.

And, like the voter I.D. Law in North Carolina which a federal judge ruled unconstitutional because it discriminated against minority communities “with laser precision”, so the attempt to suppress the vote by legally restricting mail-in ballots only in certain communities and precincts, is yet another attempt by the GOP and our Caesar Disgustus to suppress Democratic turn-out and steal yet another election.

The problem is a serious one, since DeJoy has engineered a near collapse of the Postal Service, removing and destroying 671 sorting machines, mostly from large metropolitan areas, and tearing out postal drop boxes from street corners. These are only the latest in a series of outrages as he has curbed overtime and allowed mail to pile up.

The polls tell the story: Between 68 and 80 percent of Americans tell pollsters that the country is moving in the wrong direction. North of 50 percent of the general population say that they won't vote for the swine under any circumstance. Normally the greater the likelihood that those polled will vote the better the polling numbers for the Republican. That is, as you look over the polling numbers, what one sees is that tRUMP  logs far more unfavorable numbers among the general population than among register voters; and far more unfavorable numbers among registered voters than among likely voters. Those in charge of the campaign know that they cannot expand the electorate; that to do so will mean crushing defeat. 

He knows that he now has nowhere to turn, for registering a new voter will, on balance, only add to his electoral defeat as, far more than the likely jury that will show up election day, the general public despise his ass. There is only one avenue left: suppress the vote. And that, is what he intends to do.

Yes, there are those who are now working hard to rig this election, but it isn't the Democrats. It's tRUMP.

An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh

Flush this turd, November 3rd.


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