Aug 29, 2020

August 29, 2020: Litany of Lies, Conceal The Culprit, Just Another Screed

Caesar Disgustus, besmirching yet another monument—this time the executive mansion—by emptying the latrine of the body politic, onto the White House lawn. Addressing a sea of maggot hats our erstwhile emperor told the assembled that, among other things: He is doing a great job fighting the tRUMP virus; he is not. That we lead the world in testing: we do not. That he is introducing approved therapies to deal with the tRUMP virus; we are not. That we have built three hundred miles of wall on the Southern border; we have not. That Joe Biden wants to bulldoze the suburbs; he has no such plans. It was a litany of lies.

Disgustus, a pathological liar unable to utter any truth except by accident, must now resort to his only known talent: gross deceit. The record demands it. Like any two-bit criminal he must cover up the evidence in order to conceal the culprit.\

For the facts tell the story: The United States has 4 percent of the world's population but nearly a quarter of the tRUMP Virus cases killing nearly 20 percent of those taken by the tRUMP Virus. Only Brazil, also suffering from jaw-dropping incompetent leadership, comes anywhere close to the United States in the mishandling of the crisis. Under Disgustus, the United States leads the industrialized world in unemployment, business failures, skyrocketing public debt, and a looming housing crisis that threatens to cripple the economy.

One would think that, violating yet another political protocol, this time the use—or misuse—of the executive mansion, that our erstwhile Caesar would have made an effort to rise to the occasion and deliver a serious, deliberative effort. Instead it was the usual tripe, red meat for the attending maggots.

It was all part and parcel to virtually everything else he's done. Disgustus never surprises, he can always be relied upon to scrape the scum from the bottom of the barrel and then smear it all over the rest of us. 
His promise that there would be a vaccine by year's end must be taken with the same veracity that, you may recall, he told Chris Wallace at the end of June that he would have a replacement for Obamacare within two weeks. With a straight face he assured the reporter on national television that a bill was in the works and that he would sign it within a fortnight. Another of the over 15,000 bold-faced lies told by this scum in his less than four years stinking up Oval Office.

So the effort, held before over a thousand mask-less denizens, had the fact-checkers working overtime, finally throwing up their hands and declaring the whole mess just another screed delivered with the same, predictable mendacity.

And so, another political norm has been shit-canned, another guard-rail dismantled, as Disgustus defiles yet another national monument. First it was Mt. Rushmore, now the White House itself.

An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh
Flush this turd, November 3rd.

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