Aug 26, 2020

August 25, 2020: The Gathering Scum, Snorkeling the Cesspool, A Bitter Screed

The time is upon us, that coalescing of scum, that quadrennial gathering of malignant ignorance and mendacious greed known to the world as the ReSCUMlickan National Convention. Aides, including boy blunder Jared Kushner and White House Chief of Staff Meadows, were telling the press, and anyone else who would listen, that our erstwhile Caesar would bring a tone of optimism contrasting mightily last week's Democratic message. But, alas, Disgustus can do no other. CNN reports that our Caesar Disgustus, snorkeling deep in the cesspool, accepted the renomination of his party with bitter screed reminiscent of the Grievanceburg Address given at Gettysburg Pennsylvania four long years ago. Bitching and whining our Disgustus can rise to no occasion. This was no exception.

Reporting on the proceedings, CNN observed that Disgustus “launched his convention week Monday with a bitter tirade against his rivals from four years ago and dark and unfounded warnings that voter fraud could deprive him of a second term. Speaking from Charlotte [scene of the famous crypto-fascist demonstrations three years ago] moments after he was formally renominated as the Republican Party standard-bearer, Trump delivered a screed that predicted a legally contested election in November and complained that Democrats were exploiting the coronavirus pandemic—still raging in the United States—to undermine his re-election.

'what they're doing is using Covid to steal an election. They're using Covid to defraud the American people, all of our people, of a fair and free election,' Trump said, without evidence, to applause from GOP delegates, who were gathering in North Carolina to conduct the formal business of the party convention.

' It was hardly the optimistic message that Trump's advisers have been relentlessly previewing ahead of this week's renomination festivities. Instead, Trump's speech was indistinguishable from the meandering, grievance-filled appearances he has been making in the lead-up to this scaled-down convention.

'He repeated claims that, should rival Joe Biden prevail, the country would be overrun with violence akin to protests seen this summer in Minnesota and Oregon. He warned that Democrats were seeking to take away guns, religion and American energy production. And he raised grave predictions about the November vote, saying there were courts and judges across the country 'who will hopefully give us a fair call' in a contested election.

'The only way they can take this election from us is if it's a rigged election,' he intoned, later warning delegates to 'be careful' amid what he cast as a Democratic plot to steal the election. 'Don't let them take it away from you,' he said. (1)

Let's see if we can unpack this nonsense.

It is rich that Disgustus would warn of violence in the streets should he lose the election, for we have violence in the streets now. And it's not just any streets. These are not the streets of Philadelphia, or New York, Newark or Detroit, scenes of so much carnage in the sixties. The neighborhoods are not Watts or Harlem but Minneapolis and Oregon for Christ's sake. Trump has managed to bring protest not to the inner city but to within the gates of Republican sanctuaries, suburbs and exurbs, middle class not the impoverished and downtrodden.

Disgustus is all about the past. Here he is trying to re-run the 2016 contest using as his guideposts the elections of 1968 and 1988. The great smear 1988 campaign against Michael Dukakis in which such pressing issues as flag burning and pledges of allegiance trumped everything else including the economy as well as war and peace; in which the face of Willie Horten was used to, in Lee Atwater's memorable phase, 'take the bark off that little bastard'--referring to the diminutive governor of Massachusetts. Unfortunately it worked.

Disgustus has now gathered about him one Karl Rove, disciple of Lee Atwater and Roger Stone, skilled in political skullduggery and bereft of character now trying to re-run the 1968 campaign of Richard Shithouse Nixon complete with the southern strategy and appeals to 'law and order'. But Nixon was the challenger with the incumbent represented by Hubert Humphrey. Incumbency hasn't registered in his fetid mind, nor the responsibilities that incumbency brings.

So we have this dissonance in which our Disgustus sounds a clarion call that there will be violence when there already is violence; that there will be hardship when there already is hardship; that an election will be rigged when he and his ReSCUMlickan enablers are the ones once again hell-bent on rigging it. The dystopia described by tRUMP are not what he inherited but what he has, through monumental ignorance, stupidity and incompetence, created. His inaugural address was not a description of what stood before us, it was his vision of America's future; for tRUMP is nothing but a vandal, still the boy who knocks down the other kids blocks and then blames them for poorly constructing their creations. Clearly, our Caesar has no idea who he is, where he is, or what time it is. It is no wonder, given his psychosis, that tests—how ever rudimentary—were administered. The question remains: what were the real results? Inquiring people, as is said, want to know.

An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh

Flush the turd, November 3rd.



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