The financial levitation that is the tRUMP empire, well documented as it is in The New York Times, has, nevertheless, been pushed off the front page and the daily news by the Kavanaugh fiasco and hurricane Michael now savaging the Gulf Coast and the Southeastern United States.
The Rescumlickans are about nothing if not power and money. Stealing a Supreme Court nomination from Obama by holding the seat open for ten months and now “ploughing through” (to use Mitch McConnell's terms) the confirmation of a deeply challenged nominee has the GOP quite literally gloating. It has been, in David Leonhardt's phraseology “an unprecedented power grab”. (1)
“The real problem, to be clear, isn't that the governing party won power with minority support. That's always possible in our system. The problems are, first, that the victory depended on illegal activity, and second, that the governing party is exercising power in radical ways.” (2)
Stealing comes easy for both tRUMP and his Rescumlickan Party. Long before he arrived the Scum had become practiced at the art of election chicanery ranging from voter suppression in the last quarter of the twentieth century to the frauds in Florida in 2000 and Ohio and elsewhere in 2004. Today, as we speak, they are about doing the same thing in places like Pennsylvania and Georgia where the Secretary of State has purged a reported 1.4 million people from the rolls--about 1/6 of the registered voters--and is holding over 53,000 absentee ballot requests 75% of whom are African-Americans. In Alabama, the scum have closed numerous polling places as well as Secretary of State offices in the 'black belt'--a string of counties in the middle of the state with a heavy black population—making it almost impossible for citizens to register. In the run-up to the 2016 election in Wisconsin, the Scum opened offices in which one could get your newly required voter I.D. In heavily Democratic Madison only on the 5th Wednesday of every month—an occurrence that happens only 4 times a year. It is through these measures that the scum have stolen and seek to hold power.
The tRUMP family, of course, has a long history of larceny, feeling quite comfortable functioning with this den of thieves. As detailed in The Times, Fred and Donald, as well as his siblings and his children have been implicated in a host of scams and frauds over the decades. No, Disgustus isn't going to 'drain the swamp' for to do so would destroy his natural habitat.
The scum have every reason to fear the people. They represent nothing like the majority who are appalled and disgusted by not only by Disgustus' behavior but by the actions he has taken. He has savaged not only health care but environmental protections embracing coal and asbestos. Soon, no doubt, he will be pining for the return of lead in gasoline and paint.
It remains to be seen whether the anger and the resistance will be enough to swamp these frauds. It remains to be seen if the opposition can muster enough strength to overcome not only the geographic advantage built into the conservative power base, but the host of voter suppression and the gerrymandering that has taken place over the last decade. The Democrats face a very steep uphill climb, indeed a daunting challenge.
“An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh”
Impeach and Imprison.
- Leonhardt, David. “Yes, Get Angry. Then Get Involved” The New York Times. Monday, October 8, 2018. Page A22
- Ibid.
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