Oct 15, 2018

October 17, 2018: Gravedigger of the Republic, Serious Malignancy, Distopian Nightmare

Donald J. tRUMP is the gravedigger of the republic.”

                            ----from “The Quotations of Chairman Joe”

Was it simply tRUMP's much observed proclivity toward hyperbole, or a naked appeal to the dispossessed, that animated his inaugural address? Gangs roaming the streets, boarded up storefronts, populations huddling in fear. America as a vast wasteland. It was an ugly Distopian vision delivered by an ugly Distopian man. But given the reaction of the new administration to the reporting on crowd size, his speech was quickly dismissed as the rant of a madman.

Perhaps it was, but it might have been the harbinger of a more serious malignancy.

What I'm referring to is psychological 'projection', a condition that I have noticed is rather pronounced in the personality that possesses our present Caesar; a trait that renders him disgusting.

Disgustus, it has been observed, has the annoying—but effective—habit of projecting unto others his own shortcomings. Hillary is “crooked”, reads as an admission of his own crookedness. His assertions that Maxine Walters and others are “Low I.Q.” or “Dumb”, confesses his own intellectual handicaps. He accuses his adversaries of being corrupt as he stands neck deep in money laundering, racketeering and profiting from public office. The election is “rigged”, meaning, of course, that he and his enablers are the ones who rigged it. Hillary now stands accused of colluding with the Russians when we all know it was Disgustus and his Republican cohorts who stand guilty of sedition. Whatever he says about others can only be about himself because he sees nothing but himself. You get the picture.

He can't help himself, for he is eternally mesmerized by his own image. He sees nothing but what is before him as he stands transfixed in the mirror. It is all he knows of the external world. And, since the only image he sees is of himself what he describes is revealing. By venting his spleen Disgustus unwittingly tweets the essence of his soul. Twitter, it can be said, is for Donald tRUMP a ruthlessly revealing instrument, showing the entire world what a petty, vindictive, little, ugly and malignant man he is...

What, then, can we make of the inaugural address? The tales of boarded up storefronts, America as a wasteland. Was he simply resonating what are clear realities in certain parts of the country as globalization causes dislocation? Or was this a picture, because he views all of humanity as tRUMP writ large, of where he must lead the country? For if everything is an extension of Donald tRUMP, and the soul of Donald tRUMP is indeed a wasteland, it follows that America must be laid waste.

One is left to ponder, given two years of savaging every institution, defiling everything and everyone within his reach, disrupting decades of foreign policy, enraging friends and comforting enemies, running the country deeper in debt as he enables those who would shred what is left of the social safety net, and delegitimizing every major institution of governance. The infrastructure of the country is left to crumble; the educational system is in tatters; privateers* are plundering the public domain; the economy rushes headlong unprotected toward the next financial crisis. Was he truthfully describing the America he inherited from Obama—who had a much more legitimate claim to such visions when he took office—or was he subconsciously projecting his vision of America's future?

Given the penchant of our Caesar to project his own failings upon the larger society I suspect that what he was really saying is that this is where he wants to lead us. Welcome to the Distopian Nightmare that is Caesar Disgustus.

An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh”

Impeach and Imprison


  • The use of the word 'privateers' has a two-fold meaning; Here meaning a reference to the privatization of the public domain and it's more traditional meaning of someone who is a pirate. Both meanings are meant to apply. A pirate plundering the public domain.

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