Oct 6, 2018

October 5, 2018: Hell or High Water, Defiled His Office, Everyone Lost

The Scum will have their swine, come hell or high water”
                                   ----from “The Quotations of Chairman Joe”

Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine), in an incredibly spineless act of political hypocrisy, took to the floor and announced today that she will vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court of the United States. This from a senator who demanded the immediate resignation of Al Franken, facing far less serious allegations, from the Senate well before any inquiry. Shortly thereafter Senator Manchin (D-West Virginia) announced that he too will vote to confirm giving the swine a 51-49 majority.

One would have thought that given the withdrawal of the endorsement of this nominee by the American Bar Association as well as a petition by over 1700 law professors—including the Dean of the Yale Law School— as well as former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens citing lack of judicial temperament that the White House would have withdrawn this nomination. One would think that more than enough cover would have been given people like Jeff Flake and Bob Corker to oppose this nomination. Instead Flake, who only a few days ago appeared to be courageous in demanding an FBI investigation before McConnell goes through with this sham, folded like a cheap lawn chair.

Surely there are hundreds, if not thousands, in the ratline (prep-school to Yale to clerkship's to judicial appointment) who they could jerk up from well-deserved oblivion and thrust upon the national stage. But NO! McConnell said last week that they were going to “plow through” and put Kavanaugh on the bench come what may. This was before the FBI had even begun its limited inquiry into allegation. Why put the country through this?

The answer to that is this is pure Disgustus. It isn't enough to put an unconscionable political hack on the Supreme Court but one sure to be controversial. One who would gin up his base for the upcoming mid-terms and one who, in the process, would guarantee that the maximum damage be inflicted on the greatest number of governing institutions.

Everyone lost. Disgustus further defiled his office by openly mocking a woman who had been sexually assaulted and by calling into question the legitimacy of all the other charges. The congress, as in the Clarence Thomas hearings has beshit itself with a complete breakdown of any meaningful advice or consent, and the FBI, trying to handle a hot political potato at a time when it has come under withering fire from the Congress and the White House over presidential sedition was left the unenviable task of producing a report that could and would satisfy no one.

Indeed, promising an open investigation the White House, predictably, did the exact opposite. Interviewing only 9 witnesses the Bureau failed to interview over 40 who had come forward offering testimony including many of Kavanaugh's former classmates who have stated publicly—including his roommate Chad Ludington, that Kavanaugh was not truthful in his testimony before the Senate as to either his drinking or his behavior during the time in question. There were also outright falsehoods in his testimony as to the meaning of certain terms he used in his yearbook relating to drink and sex.

There are, it need be said again, many reasons why this nominee should be rejected. His temperament, his dissembling, his arrogance, his drinking (“I still like beer” he said to the Senate), as well as his ideologically driven judicial reasoning and his overreaching view of executive powers.

Dr. Christie Ford was quite right in not wanting to come forward for nothing was gained by this ugly exercise. Nothing could stop this rush to judgment. The courts will now be viewed as even more openly partisan and more openly hostile to the interests of the majority of our citizens. The Congress has suffered yet another embarrassment. Disgustus has laid yet another turd on the highest court of the land; confidence in our law enforcement to conduct a thorough and fair examination has been called yet again into question. No one wins here, certainly not a nation that must now live with this swine and the ignorance he will impose upon us for the next several decades.

The great vandal has once again worked his worst.

An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh”

Impeach and Imprison.

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