Oct 25, 2018

October 24, 2018: Parasite and the Host, Into the Fun-house Mirrors, Down the Rat Hole

Our Caesar Disgustus needs a good lie like a parasite needs a good host”

                                          ----from “The Quotations of Chairman Joe”

In a desperate attempt to keep control of the Congress, and prevent a legitimate full-scale investigation into his corruption, our Caesar Disgustus has become more revolting.

Dialing up the demagogy our modern “Willie Stark” is “spewing dark warnings about a Democratic mob clamoring to usher in an era of open borders, rampant crime, social chaos and economic radicalism.

As is so often the case,” writes the editors of The New York Times, “Mr. Trump is not letting reality interfere with his performance. At a rally in Nevada this weekend, the president told the crowd that Californians were rioting to 'get out of their sanctuary cities'. (They aren't.) He also suggested that Democrats will soon be looking to hand out free luxury cars to illegal immigrants. (They won't.) 'Give 'em a driver's license. Next thing you know, they'll want to buy 'em a car,' he riffed. 'Then they'll say the car's not good enough, we want—how about a Rolls-Royce'”. (1)

On “Twitter” when the birdbrain isn't insulting someone (usually a woman like former Porn Star Stormy Daniels) he draws the boldface lie. So he spends his early hours “tweeting” endlessly about how he is going to defend the Obamacare protections against pre-existing conditions when his Justice Department has refused to defend the measure as it is being litigated in federal court as a consequence of a suit brought by 18 Republican attorneys general. Actions which give lie to the johnny-come-lately defense of the measure by not only Disgustus but several congressional candidates as they have discovered that their much ballyhooed tax cut gains no favor with the majority, and they have nothing else upon which to stake a claim to office. Desperate they follow the example of their Supreme Leader, falsely laying claim to Obama and Democratic achievement while accusing the Democrats of wanting to destroy what had cost them the majority to build. The universe stands on its head as we gaze into the fun-house mirrors.

The scum have been reduced to draconian measures involving not only purging voter lists, holding up absentee ballots, and the usual outrages attendant to every election, but they have, it seems, outdone themselves in repulsiveness. For instance in Georgia by stopping black congregants on their way from church to the ballot box and pulling them off the bus and informing them that they must turn back. We haven't seen anything this brazen since the sad days of Jim Crow.

But the big ace-in-the-hole is the lie...the big lie..the little lie...hell any lie will do.

We are faced not only with the daily stream of boldface lies coming from this White House, but are now confronted with the video of a group of refugees fleeing Central America now in Southern Mexico heading north. They number about 7,000 strong.

The highway is for gamblers
better use your sense
and take what you have gathered
from coincidence”
                       ----Bob Dylan It's All Over Now, Baby Blue”

Is it mere coincidence that this throng is now gathered and marching north? It makes a great visual for the former 'reality' television star. Painting the refugees as a 'mob', he invokes images of an invading army, complete with bad hombre's hell-bent upon rapine and pillage. He's said, without any supporting facts whatsoever, that not only are the Democrats and/or the boogeyman George Soros are responsible but that there are middle eastern terrorists among them. Disgustus went so far as to suggest the need to call out the army and do battle, as in some central American Armageddon.

I suggest that it is no mere coincidence. When Disgustus accuses someone else, the deed is invariably done by his own hands. What he is really saying is that he and his minions are organizing this march—for someone must organize the logistics for such a number. How else can he waive the flag when migration, although experiencing a recent spike, is still far below what it was at the turn of the century. How else can he enrage his minions when the facts are that there has been, over the last several years, a net migration out of the United States and back into Mexico and Central America?

But then, again, this is the post-information world of Donald John Trump, where fantasy daily becomes reality and where we are all sucked down the rat-hole of this national nightmare.

Look out, Ma, the saints are marching through
and it's all over now, Baby Blue.”

“An' Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh”

Impeach and Imprison.


  1. Editors. “Mr. Trump Is Lying Up a Storm” The New York Times. Tuesday, October 23, 2018: Page A22.

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