Oct 15, 2018

October 15, 2018: The Boldface Lie, Politics as Farce, A Lower Calling

Black is white, up is down, and Republicans are Medicare's defenders”

                                         ---Paul Krugman

So summed up Paul Krugman in last Friday's New York Times. (1). The Rescumlickan Party has gone 'round the bend, from the simple dishonest of political 'spin', to the blatant audacity of the boldface lie.

As Krugman notes, from the party that since Reagan has despised Medicare, going so far as Newt Gingrich shutting down the government in an attempt to force deep cuts in the program, we now have a host of Rescumlickan office holders and office seekers posturing as the champions of Medicare as well as certain provisions in Obama's Affordable Health Care. Take “Josh Hawley, as Missouri's attorney general, is part of that lawsuit against Obamacare's regulation of insurers; but in his campaign for the Senate, he's posing as a defender of Americans with pre-existing conditions. Dean Heller, running for re-election to the Senate in Nevada, voted for a bill that would have destroyed Obamacare, including all protection for pre-existing conditions; but he's misrepresenting himself just like Hawley is.

And they aren't just lying about their own position. They're also lying about their opponents'. Incredibly, Republicans have spent the years since passage of the A.C.A. Accusing Democrats of wanting to destroy Medicare.”(2)

Then there is Caesar Disgustus. In an opinion piece published in USA Today, Disgustus claimed that he was defending Obamacare's regulations preventing insurers from denying insurance or inordinately raising rates if one has a pre-existing condition—say diabetes, cancer, or heart disease. But Attorney General Jeff Sessions has declined to defend the law against a suit filed by 20 Republican state attorney's general “trying to eliminate protection for pre-existing conditions”.

Then to complete the politics as farce, Disgustus went on to claim in the USA Today piece as well as he has at numerous appearances 'on the stump', that the Democrats want to dismantle the very program that they created and champion. Again, Disgustus didn't invent this—he is incapable of inventing anything—this charge goes back to when Obamacare was created. Obama took money from Medicare to fund the health bill because it was money previously earmarked under Medicare for health care. Obama was simply changing the category in the service of administrative efficiency. But the Scums misrepresented the transfers and claimed, falsely, the Democrats had somehow become Republican. Oh yes, and for good measure, he also charged that passage of 'Medicare For All' a proposal pushed by Bernie Sanders, would reduce the United States to Venezuela.

As fact-checker Glenn Kessler of The Washington Post put it, 'Almost every sentence contained a misleading statement or a falsehood'. Even the president of the United States isn't entitled to his own facts.” (3)

It is said, by David Cay Johnston and other biographers of tRUMP that he sleeps with a copy of Hitler's speeches on his nightstand. He has learned, perhaps, only one lesson in his life; a lesson that he applies to creating the myths and deceptions that have served him—but virtually no one else around him—very well. If you are going to lie, tell the Big Lie and tell it often. This is also the lesson increasingly employed by his party of followers, going back at least to Reagan's “government isn't the solution; government is the problem”.

Belittling politics makes public service a lower calling. It also makes it easier to float from fact to fiction; from reality to some alternative universe in which Obama was born in Kenya, subsidizing the rich will help the poor, and the Democrats are against health care. It is the demeaning of political discourse and the decay of the public forum. And it's in this fog of confusion that the Scum are robbing us blind.

An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh”

Impeach and Imprison


  1. Krugman, Paul. “Goodbye, Political Spin, Hello Lies”. The New York Times. Friday, October 12, 2018. Page A23.
  2. Ibid.
  3. Ibid.

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