May 11, 2019

May 11, 2018: Art of the Deal, Art of the Steal, Art of the Squeal

That Fred Trump would send his son to a military academy was a personal tragedy; that he should have retrieved him is a national calamity”.

             ----from The Quotations of Chairman Joe

It is painfully obvious that our Caesar Disgustus cannot run a respectable lemonade stand. He has no management skills and, clearly, he has no negotiating skills. He has squandered hundreds of millions of his father's money, lost over a billion dollars in the late 80's and early 90's and would have been kicked into well deserved oblivion, if not the penitentiary had it not been for.....?

That, as we used to say, is the sixty-four thousand dollar question. We know that the billionaire Russian fertilizer king came to his rescue on a Florida real-estate investment. We know, as tRUMP's larvae has readily admitted, that after he bilked the New York Banks out of a billion or so dollars that these sources of income dried up and the family began to rely more and more from Russian money. Disgustus, stealing directly from contractors, bankers, and tax fraud moved into stealing indirectly through the medium of the Russian oligarchy and organized crime. Reports of money laundering and racketeering fill the pages of his chroniclers. An now we have the Art of the Squeal wherein our intrepid 'billionaire' protests his innocence, despite all the evidence to the contrary, while squealing like a stuck pig.

The great deal maker has always been a fraud. He knows nothing about the deal. He is drawn only to what flashes before his eyes at any given moment. Now we find him in a trade war with China, raising tariffs to 25 per cent on a huge range of goods and services thinking this will make the Chinese knuckle under and bend to his will.

Disgustus, totally ignorant of history, is innocent of the consequences. Tariff protections only work if the nation raising these barriers is fostering the very industries producing the products in question. Raising tariffs then forces the people to buy domestically produced goods creating employment and keeping the wealth in the country. We did this with the textile industry, steel-tool industries, machine industry, farm produces and a whole range of industrial and agricultural enterprises when the United States was building its industrial base.

But the 'suits' have been allowed to gut the industrial base so that almost nothing is being made in this country. As a consequence, tariffs serve only to raise the cost of living because Americans cannot turn to domestic suppliers who would otherwise be producing the same items at a now lower cost.

In addition, Disgustus who understands nothing—especially finance—fails to understand that China is America's banker. When we were young, the national debt did not have the significance that it has now for two principle reasons: It wasn't as high as it is now and we owed the money to ourselves. Now, increasingly, we owe the money to foreign nationals and governments—and the Chinese hold much of that debt. Disgustus could provoke a response wherein the Chinese simply stop buying treasury notes driving interest rates through the roof forcing draconian budget cuts or, worse, dumping the notes they now have.

In any case, the use of trade to force action by foreign governments has an uncertain record. One is reminded of the Confederacy employing a strategy of forcing Britain to recognize Richmond by burning nearly it's entire stock of cotton. The thinking was that it would create such havoc in the English textile mills that the imperative of kneeling before 'king cotton' would become immediately obvious. Instead, the English sought supply elsewhere and developed the Egyptian and Indian cotton markets.

Disgustus doesn't understand that it isn't the 1950's anymore. No, the conservatives and their capitalist overlords have succeeded in outsourcing the American economy and the palliative offered by this ignoramus and his team will succeed only in further destabilizing the national economy.

An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh

Impeach and Imprison.

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