May 18, 2019

May 16, 2019: Beaten Cur, Sound and Fury, Under Every Bed

Disgustus slinks off into a corner, tail between his legs, whimpering the whelp of a beaten cur. After imposing, with great braggadocio, tariffs against products—in this case aluminum and steel—from our closest allies Mexico and Canada, Disgustus announced our withdrawal from the North America Free Trade Agreements (NAFTA), pending renegotiation. This week, after concluding a new agreement that critics have dubbed NAFTA 1.1, he announced that the two countries no longer posed a threat to national security and lifted the tariffs.

As usual our Disgustus, returning from Ottawa with little to show, is full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. It is more than likely that pressure from American farmers who are suffering most from the trade wars, as well as what is left of our heavy industries—not to mention the stock-jobbers on Wall Street—are bringing pressure to bear upon the collective ignorance presently in residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

It would be laughable if it weren't so serious, for Disgustus has surrounded himself with advisers that have, arguably, only a marginally better understanding of the issues than he. Narcissism is a severely limiting disorder for it prevents those suffering from the mental disease from seeking those with greater knowledge or ability. If one must be Mr. Know-It-All, then one must surround oneself with those who know it less. Enter Lawrence Kudlow, late of Fox News as his newly appointed economics adviser; and top trade adviser Peter Navarro discovered on Amazon as Jared Kushner, tasked with finding a suitable authority on the subject went surfing the internet to find someone who agrees with Disgustus on the subject.

You see, “Virtually no well-known mainstream economist agrees with Trump, or his top trade adviser Peter Navarro and trade representative Robert Lighthizer, that America's trade deficits are the result of unfair practices by other countries. Martin Feldstein, the former chairman of Ronald Reagan's Council of Economic Advisers, has pointed out that America's global trade deficit is due to the fact that its consumption outweighs its domestic production. Imposing tariffs on low-cost Chinese goods [for example] will not rectify this structural feature, but will serve only to make many essential goods less affordable to ordinary Americans.” (1)

That's right, as many economists have been quick to point out, tariffs are a tax upon the citizens of the United States, not upon the producing countries and only work if there are domestic industries standing idle waiting to meet the demand. The fact that these industries—machine tool, textiles and garments, toys, auto parts, nauseum—have been packed up and shipped out of the country is lost on these fools. And so while China, for instance, finds new suppliers for soybeans and other American products. American retailers must now scour the globe to find new foreign producers not subject to punitive tariffs.

This, by degrees, leads to reports this week that two Brazilian nationals, the Batista Brothers, who are convicted felons and cannot leave their own country, have received $62 million in U.S. farm subsides. They run a multi-national agricultural enterprise and evidently qualify for part of tRUMP's bail-out campaign as he struggles to shore up support in places like Iowa and Wisconsin, so crucial to any hope of re-election.

You see, none of this means anything to our Caesar Disgustus and his knuckle-dragging minions who while seizing upon bumper-sticker slogans and simplistic solutions, appeal to the xenophobic paranoid narcissism that has long lurked just beneath the veneer of American exceptionalism.

Such is the madness coursing through the corridors of power, for tRUMP and those who surround him understand none of this, understand nothing and find themselves searching for demons lurking behind every door, under every bed. This is what happens when simplicity is imposed upon complexity; when willful ignorance is substituted for determined understanding.

An' Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh

Impeach and Imprison

1. Mahbubani, Kishore. “What China Threat? How the United States and China can avoid war”. Harper's Magazine. Vol. 338 No. 2025. February 2019. Page 42

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