May 31, 2019

May 28, 2019: The 'Shitting' President, Town Hall Meeting, Standing Ovation

If our Caesar Disgustus isn't shitting himself, he should be. As noted in a previous post, (1) Republican Justin Amash, representing greater Grand Rapids, Michigan emerged last week as the first elected member of his party to call for impeachment proceedings against our erstwhile authoritarian. Amash joins a rump group of about 40 or so House and Senate Democrats to call for the impeachment of our bastard president as well as over a thousand and counting present and former federal prosecutors who have signed a statement saying that, given the evidence, tRUMP—if he were not the sitting 'president'--would have been indicted, arraigned and put on trial.

The conventional wisdom was that Amash was inviting the wrath of tRUMP's knuckle-dragging constituency who would show up at his next town hall meeting and demand his hide. Amash, unlike representative Huizenga, who misrepresents the lake shore areas of Holland, Grand Haven, Muskegon and outlying areas, is not afraid to meet his constituents. Huizenga, has even canceled town-hall meetings while running for re-election, so out of step has the modern reSCUMlickan party become. Nevertheless the congressman from Grand Rapids convened with his constituents at the DeVos hall and was greeted with a standing ovation. The first question from the audience was introduced by a gentleman who first commended Amash for his courage. The response was another standing ovation.

Oh yes, there were the few tRUMPsters who, predictably incoherent, tried to smear the congressman and protest the innocence of the most corrupt man ever to sit in the presidential chair, but the audience overall was nearly universally supportive.

Amash represents the district formerly held by Gerald Ford and, unlike Ford, readily recognizes criminality and malfeasance and has taken a stand in opposition to it. On may recall, that Gerry was late to the bonfire roasting Richard Nixon and, in the end, pardoned Nixon for his crimes against the people. In any case this district has elected a Democrat only once in living memory, Richard VanderVeen in the wake of Watergate. It took Nixon's crimes and the disgust with Ford's pardon to catapult a Democrat into this seat, so solidly Republican has been the district. That Amash, now the first Republican member of Congress to call for impeachment proceedings against a 'rescumlickan' president be greeted back home with standing ovations should make Disgustus shit himself. The sitting president has become the shitting president.

An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh”

Impeach and Imprison


1. See: May 21, 2019: Profile In Courage, Juvenile tRUMPspeak, Mitt

Found Wanting

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