May 14, 2019

May 13, 2019: Brokeahantas, Into the Sewer, Wag the Swine

It all started last weekend. Bill Maher in the New Rules segment of his television show chided the Democrats for not being nasty enough to our Caesar Disgustus for, in effect, bringing thoughts and prayers to a knife fight. Disgustus, as Maher was quick to point out, has no conscience, knows no shame and, facing trial and conviction if unelected, will do anything to stay in power. To defeat him one must, as an old friend of mine used to counsel: “If you are going to kill the rats, you've got to climb down into the sewer”. So it is.

To that end, Maher suggested that to defeat tRUMP, one must play the game on his terms, on his turf. Accordingly, it is time to strike back. I've suggested to the office of Congresswoman Maxine Waters that she use the moniker Caesar Disgustus but, while her office found it amusing, it evidently didn't get traction. Maher, a real comedic genius, said that Elizabeth Warren should strike back by calling tRUMP, in the aftermath of yet another front-page article on his finances, “Brokehantas”.

It has taken off. In the ensuing week or so Facebook and social media have been littered with memes with tRUMP wearing a feathered headband under the title, or with numbers gleaned from the gross losses of 1.7 billion over the ten year span that The New York Times covered (1985-1994). Accordingly, several wags, with calculators at the ready, posted these numbers under the heading of “Brokehantas”. Disgustus “managed” to lose:

--$11,466.00 per hour
--274,000. per day
--8.3 Million dollars per month
--100 million dollars per year

Every year for Ten Years!

It is clear that our erstwhile “stable genius” and financial tycoon cannot manage a respectable lemonade stand. As earlier New York Times reporting has indicated, Fred tRUMP came to the rescue of his errant son to the tune of nearly half a billion dollars, in today's money as Donald struggled with looming financial catastrophe in Atlantic City.

So here we have it. He bilked the New York City banks of over a billion dollars in loan defaults, declared bankruptcies on several of his enterprises, and lost over a billion dollars in a ten year period while at the same time touting his business 'genius' in the best selling “The Art of the Deal”.

The question looms: where is he getting his money now that the New York banks treat him as the parasite he is? Several answers have been put forward by those who know him best—his biographers and those who follow the financial pages. They include the Russian and American mafia, money laundering, racketeering, bank and insurance fraud, cheating contractors and vendors, employing illegal aliens and, his favorite, tax evasion.

These raise further questions: to what extent does his economic dependence upon such sources dictate the foreign and domestic policies now pursued by this government? To whom does he owe money and how are these obligations shaping our policies? Have these activities ceased during his bastard presidency? What is he so desperately trying to hide?

The republic demands answers, and demand answers now. In the meantime our “stable genius” has started a trade war with the nation's banker, inviting retaliatory measures that can only destabalize an already uncertain economy while threatening to start shooting wars in the Middle East and Latin America. As the tail wags the swine....

Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh.

Impeach Brokehantas and Imprison.

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