May 20, 2019

May 20, 2019: Desperate Don, Tsunami of Untruths, Dread and Trepidation

The Washington Post has, since 2016, been keeping a running tab on the number of verifiable lies told by our Caesar Disgustus. Last month, the Post announced that our fibber-in-chief has let out over 10,000 stinkers a trend that is on the rise.

You see, writes Charles Blow in The New York Times, “(T)rump lies about everything and for every reason. He lies to brag. He lies to deflect. He lies to inflate. He lies to defame. He lies to praise. He sometimes lies just for the sport of it.”

He is being trained, right before our eyes, to see that there is no cost for this deceit among the people who support him.

He can lie at a rally, right to their faces, and they will still cheer. He can lie in public proclamations, and the Republican cowards in Congress will find a way to defend, rationalize or forgive it.

When a dyed-in-the-wool thief realizes that there are no consequences for theft, everything not nailed down will go missing. The same is true of the liar: When there is no consequence the deceiver is unbound and unashamed.” (1)

That he has never suffered consequence, in some measure, explains the utter shamelessness of the man. His daddy's millions have always been there to protect him. Until recently....

But there are times, Blow contends, that the lies of our Caesar Disgustus betrays vulnerability, and that is “when he lies out of desperation, out of the fear of being found out, blamed, reprimanded, possibly even abandoned.” These, say Blow, are the moments we can relish.

In those moments, at least when he makes a public appearance in conjunction, his eyes are stretched wide and his face flush. He looks defensive and nervous. The above-it-all posture of imperviousness vanishes, and he is reduced to the most mortal of beings, on for whom, like the rest of us, the truth still has purchase and power...It is in those moments, that Trump is most human and our ire toward this liar is most vindicated and validated.” (2)

Blow points to the news conference at tRUMP Tower in the wake of Charlottesville, and his “his deer-in-the-headlights response to a question put to him on Air Force One about hush payment to a porn star.

It is in the police-interrogation-room-like correction that he didn't mean to side with Russia—and deny our intelligence community—while standing next to Vladimir Putin in Helsinki.

In all those moments he simply reeks of dread and trepidation. In those moments, we are reminded that Trump knows what other thinking people know: In a world not blinded and numbed by racial tribalism, demographic fears and cultural panic, these issues that barely nick him would cut him smooth and deep.

It is in those moments that we are reminded of what normal felt like, when an apology or explanation was compelled, and politicians confront their foibles with some degree of contrition.

Trump knows nothing of contrition, but take his moments of desperation as proof that the world has not completely gone mad, that sin still has the ability to convict.” (3)

The tragedy that is Donald J. tRUMP has roots that span his lifetime. Perhaps it was the approbation of his parents who abandoned him by sending him into exile to a military academy. In any case he has, deep in his psyche, a controlling distrust of authority joined with an overweening need to gain its approval. This is a toxic mix leading, by degrees, to the creation of an obscenely grotesque facade. A facade made of whole cloth; a facade born of deceit and maintained by lies. The question is, will the “people” hold him to account and convict?

The problem is that while sin may still have the ability to convict we have on our hands a sociopath that does not recognize sin and is surrounding himself with sycophants who parrot the mantra. It isn't enough for right-thinking people to know in their hearts that he is guilty. Disgustus must face consequence with the appropriate constitutional and legal retributions. The republic hangs in the balance.

An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh

Impeach and Imprison.
  1. Blow, Charles M. “An Ode to Desperate Don” The New York Times. Monday, May 20, 2019. Page A27
  2. Ibid
  3. Ibid

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